Lesson 5 Vocabulary Ni ni, ambos, ninguno
Ni, ni means neither, nor. El hombre ni fuma ni toma cerveza. The man neither smokes nor drinks beer. Ni los Raiders ni los 49ers pueden ganar. Neither the Raiders nor the 49ers can win
Ambos means both. It is an adjective, so it must agree in gender with the nouns it describes. Ambos hombres han comido. Both men have eaten. Ambas mujeres van a comer. Both women are going to eat.
Ninguno means none, not one, and neither. Before a singular, masculine noun it changes to ningún. Ninguno de los hombres come carne. Neither of the men eats meat. Ninguna de las muchachas fuma. None of the girls smokes. No hay ningún pingüino en Sacramento. There is not one penguin in Sacramento.