Percentage Conversion
What is percentage The fraction with its denominator 100 is called a Percent. Any ratio x : y, where y = 100 is called ‘Percent’. Percent means “per hundred” Symbol used for percent is % Percentage Fraction Ratio 5:100 5%
Ratio Fraction Percentage Express the shaded and unshaded portion in form of ratio, fraction and percentage Example 1 Ratio Fraction Percentage Shaded portion 56 out of 100 56:100 56% Unshaded portion 34 out of 100 34:100 34% Example 2 Ratio Fraction Percentage Shaded portion 45 out of 100 45:100 45% Unshaded portion 55 out of 100 55:100 55%
Convert Ratio to Percent Example 1: Express the ratio 43:100 as percent. Ratio Fraction Percentage 43% 43:100 Example 2: Express the ratio 8:100 as percent. Ratio Fraction Percentage 8% 8:100
Convert Percent to ratio Example 1: Express 57% as ratio Percentage Fraction Ratio 57% 57:100 Example 2: Express 6% as ratio Percentage Fraction Ratio 6% 6:100
Convert fraction to Percent Step 1: Multiply given fraction by 100 Step1: Multiply given fraction by 100
Convert Mixed fraction to Percent Step 1: Convert mixed fraction as improper fraction Step2: Multiply given fraction by 100 Step 1: Convert mixed fraction as improper fraction Step2: Multiply given fraction by 100
Convert Percent to fraction Example 1: Express 12% as fraction Step1: Divide the number by 100, write it in fraction form and then simplify fraction Convert % to fraction Simplify fraction 12% Convert % to fraction Simplify fraction
Convert Mixed Percent to fraction Example 3: Express as fraction Step 1: Convert mixed fraction as improper fraction Step2: Divide the fraction by 100, write it in fraction form and then simplify fraction Convert % to fraction Simplify fraction
Convert Decimal to Percent Step 1: Multiply decimal by 100 (0.07 x 100) % = 7% Step 1: Multiply decimal by 100 (0.2 x 100) % = 20% Step 1: Multiply decimal by 100 (0.342 x 100) % = 34.2%
Convert Percent to Decimal Example 1: Express 25% as decimal Step1: Divide the number by 100 and write it fraction form and then convert into decimal Convert % to fraction Convert fraction to decimal 0.25 12% Example 1: Express 7% as decimal Step1: Divide the number by 100 and write it fraction form and then convert into decimal Convert % to fraction Convert fraction to decimal 0.07 7%
Try these 1. Express 32 out of 100 as percentage , fraction and ratio 3. Express 0.25 out of 100 as ratio