CO Laboratory rotational infrared spectrum


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Presentation transcript:

CO Laboratory rotational infrared spectrum Harry Kroto 2004

U line procedure DeltaF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 U line procedure 10693 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Spacing should be 2B 106913 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

106913 85530 21383 106913 Spacing should be 2B 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

106913 85530 21383 106913 106913 21383 128296 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? DeltaF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 HOCO+ 128296 J = 4 106913 J = 3 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Harry Kroto 2004

106913 85530 21383 Spacing should be 2B 21383 x 5 = 106915 =2B(J+1) = 106915 =2B(J+1) 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Harry Kroto 2004

Line separations equidistant at 2B 2B x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 Harry Kroto 2004

Line separations equidistant at 2B = 21383 MHz Line separations equidistant at 2B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 J 2B x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 106913 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Line separations equidistant at 2B = 21383 MHz Line separations equidistant at 2B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 J 2B x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 106913 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

HCO2+ H3O+ Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 10693 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 10693 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

predict the frequency (in MHz) of the next line to higher frequency. ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) Separations = 2B (MHz) 106913 MHz 85530 MHz Homework Assuming these two interstellar lines are consecutive rotational transitions of a linear molecule: predict the frequency (in MHz) of the next line to higher frequency. Assign the J values of the lines 10693 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 10693 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 106913 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 J = 4 106913 J = 3 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 J = 4 106913 J = 3 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 J = 4 106913 J = 3 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? ΔF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 128296 J = 4 106913 J = 3 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? DeltaF(J) = 2B(J+1) separations =2B (MHz) 106913 -85530 21383 Check: 106913/21383 ca integer 4.999906!! Good Eh? Prediction - next line at +21383 128296 Structure estimate only H/O/C/N likely so HOCO+ or HOCN most likely actually turned out to be protonated CO2 128296 J = 4 106913 J = 3 85530 Harry Kroto 2004

Harry Kroto 2004