Extraction of Rose Oil Dr.Tahira Anjum
ROSE Rose is a native of the Orient, but is now cultivated more or less all over the world, mainly in temperate climates. 250 different, distinct species, including wild roses, but many thousands more hybrids and varieties. ROSE belongs to Family: ROSACEAE
Rose Essential Oil very expensive oil extracted from rose petals. Rosa damascena, one of the major species used in production of Rose Oil. The steam-distilled oil is a pale yellow-green, oily with a very strong, aromatic perfume. At a low temperature, shiny, long crystals of stearoptene form in a thin layer on top of the oil. The principal constituents: Eugenol, famesol and other acids, geraniol (or citronellol), linalool, nerol, nonylic aldehyde, rhodinol and stearoptene.
Three Methods of extracting Rose Oil from Plant Material Steam Distillation: produces an oil called rose otto or attar of Roses. Solvent Extraction: results in an oil called Rose absolute Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction: gives an oil called as absolute or CO2 extract
SOLVENT DISTILLATION OF ROSES blossoming time is in early May the workers pick all the flowers into big baskets which are then taken to the distillery at the heart of the plantation. They work quickly as the flowers lose moisture, needing to be sprayed occasionally with water
SOLVENT DISTILLATION OF ROSES The distillation cylinders – like enormous pressure cookers – dominate the interior of the distillery, with yards of piping twisting and turning at all angles and in all directions.
SOLVENT DISTILLATION OF ROSES The workers bring in the heavy baskets of 25 kg (55 lb) each – and spread the flowers on five trays layered inside each ‘pressure cooker’ ¬when the lid is closed; the solvent and water are added by opening a valve.
SOLVENT DISTILLATION OF ROSES The operation is begun, and the temperature is checked – it will reach a maximum of 45 – 50°C (113 -122°F). The solvent and the water run continuously through the trays of flowers, impregnating them and taking with them the odoriferous molecules. These gather as a concrete, very stiff and waxy, at the bottom of the cylinder in a small bowl. Each set of trays is ‘cooked’ for about an hour, then the solvent-saturated flowers, now a dull grey, are discarded and replaced by fresh ones until the operation is complete and the bowls are full.
TO MAKE ROSE OIL AT HOME Step 1: Collect the Rose Petals Step 3: Arrange the Equipment Step 4: Boil the Water in the Vessel Step 2: Equipment Required Step 5: Collect Rose Oil
USES In Illness: has many therapeutic properties as a gentle laxative, and many conditions – loss of appetite in young anorexic girls, problems of PMT and menopause – can be treated by rose petal tisane valuable for infections of the respiratory system – coughs, hayfever, sinus congestion very effective for all sorts of eye and eyelid complaints – general inflammation, swollen eyes, eyes which are irritated or which have a discharge due to hayfever or similar work on the nervous system, calming the patient. Rose also helps insomnia.
In beauty constituent of the earliest cold cream fight against wrinkles, puffiness, broken capillaries, even some nervous eczema Breast toner
In COOKERY used commercially as an additive in fruit drinks and added to jam and yoghurt recipes to give more flavour. roses also give rose-hips, of course, which were the source of vitamin C-rich syrup and jelly during the war years. Rose oil also contains vitamin C.