Stage‐dependent diurnal transcript changes. Stage‐dependent diurnal transcript changes. (A) The number of transcripts changing between end‐of‐day and end‐of‐night with an adjusted P‐value<0.05 in each of the four growth stages. In each stage, the first bar indicates the transcripts that change only in the optimal water experiment, the second bar those that change in both optimal water and water deficit, and in the third bar those that only change in water deficit. The transcripts that are higher at EON are indicated in blue and those at EOD in red. (B) Venn diagram of the stage‐dependent diurnal changes in SOW and (C) in SWD. For the transcripts that show diurnal changes only in one stage, the percentage with regard to all transcripts changing in that stage is given. Katja Baerenfaller et al. Mol Syst Biol 2012;8:606 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend