Welcome to EUROLUM GmbH Product Information Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | |
Applications Area Replacement of existing T8 fluorescent tubes to a most modern and energy- efficient alternatives is possible without changing the lamp fittings. This can be achieved with your existing lighting system, meaning - Savings of between 40 % and 60 % - a considerably longer service life - a better light quality
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | Savings capacity of energy for interior lightings
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | Our Products 1 - EUROTHERM Energy-saving tube 2 - EUROTHERM-E 3 - Reflectors
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | EUROTHERM Energy-saving tube Advantages of the EUROTHERM Energy-saving tube Energy savings of 40% - 60% (depending on local energy costs). By using our highly efficient reflectors, an improvement in the illumination is the rule Reduction of maintenance costs. Constant, flicker-free light without stroboscopic effect. Safe shutdown of the power in case of lamp defect and at the end of the lamp life High switching capability through optimized ignition. Improved temperature behavior by protective tube, also available as a shatterproof protection requirements.
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | EUROTHERM-E In our EUROTHERM-E you can achieve savings of up to 40% in T8 lamps which already equipped with an electronic control gear (ECG), and in lamps with conventional/low-loss ballast you can save up to 60 %. After conversion, the lamp meets the same quality requirements as a new standard T5. Also, with these conversion kits more power as well as dimmable and fully digital implementations are available.
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | Reflectors for T5 fluorescent tubes Serie Compact Serie Flood Serie Spot Compact high gloss 28/35 Watt Serie Down Flood high gloss 28/35Watt Spot high gloss 28/35Watt Down high gloss 28/35Watt With the optional available reflectors, the light value can be not only obtained but also increased significantly depending on the situation. This means up to a 60 % reduction in energy costs at the same or significantly higher light levels.
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | Other advantages of conversions by the Systems we offer: Lolower power consumption. Lolower load of air conditioning due to less heat development. Lower maintenance costs because of fewer lamp changes and no starter replacement Optimum lamp warm start(< 2 Sec.), even in applications with more than 10 starts per day. Decrease in environment pollution through CO 2, SO x and NO x, usually released in the process of generation of energy.
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | Use and application areas 1.Public buildings such as kindergartens, hospitals, employment offices, schools,outdoor and street lighting, road maintenance, city halls, etc. 2.Garages / parking lots/ Car Dealers 3.Ceiling lights 4.Department stores, supermarkets, hotels 5.Industrial companies 6.Manufacturing companies 7.Halls for shipping and storage
References Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | |
Best Practice Example 1: Replace T8 Fluorescent lamps by EUROLUM energy-saving technology Initial situation Supermarket with outdated lighting technology (T8, CCG) Conversion of the market within one day (Sunday) No deterioration in light output > (300 lux) Implementation Modernization of technology as part of an efficient lighting upgrades by EUROLUM Use of EUROLUM energy conversion Conversion of 251 fluorescent tubes Check and documentation of the light output before and after conversion Economy Total investment : Savings in electricity consumption : kWh (53 %) Savings in electricity costs : /a Savings in CO2 emissions : kg/a Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | |
Best Practice Example 1: Replace T8 fluorescent lamps by EUROLUM energy-saving technology Customer: Food market Berlin Cost saving in light 8.541,12 (53,6%) Reduction in the CO2 emission 30,89t Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | |
Best Practice Example 1: Replacement of T8 fluorescent lamps with T5 by Eurotherm Electricity load profile before and after conversion of the lighting Proposal : Reduction of connected load by 8,23 kW; kWh/a approximately 9 kW connection capacity (approx. 13% of Tte total power) Lighting during the conversion Week power consumption before conversion : kWh after conversion : kWh Difference: 855 kWh Savings per year : approx kWh 8.541,00 Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | |
Thuesday, from 6 oclock till 8:37 Before conversionAfter conversion Tuesday, 23.8 from 6 oclock till 8:37 Tuesday from 6 oclock till 8:37 Monday from 6 oclock till 8:37
Best Practice Example 1: Replace T8 fluorescent lamps with Eurolum energy-saving tube Before conversionAfter conversion Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | |
Climate protection Users of T8 fluorescent lamps achieve energy savings of about 50% by switching to T5 lamps and compound those savings with a significant reduction in pollution by CO², nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, which released during energy production.
Eurolum GmbH | Kirschallee. 90 | Potsdam | Tel. +49 (0) 331/ | Fax. +49 (0) 331/ | | What have you done in recent years to improve the energy efficiency of your lighting and CO² emissions? Thank you for your attention EUR O LUM