DMFS Discussion with MFRC Board Chairs 10 March 2011
Call to Order DMFS staff in attendance: Celine Thompson, DMFS Alla Ivask, National Manager MFS Julie Leblanc, Communications Manager Listening to the discussion and providing assistance: Field Operations Managers Beverly Weber, Business Process Manager Ghada Swid-Zrein, Administrative Assistant
Agenda Budget Considerations – Fiscal 2011-12 20th Anniversary & Communications Update MOU Update Community Needs Assessment/ SSRB Open Forum: Questions & Discussion Final Statements Conclusion
Budget Considerations – FY 2011/2012 Expect confirmation of MFSP funding levels a few months into the new FY Offsets to budget cuts sought elsewhere to maintain status quo funding levels Departure of temporary staff 31 March 2011 and return to February 2009 staff levels Follow-on strategic and operational planning to identify DMFS priority activities for upcoming years
Budget Considerations Contingency Funding Used to pay for eligible MFSP expenditures which have arisen after annual funding allocations have occurred, the C/MFRC could not have reasonably projected or anticipated such a requirement. Contingency requests may include but are not limited to: Temporary requirements for extended mental health services Additional emergency/emergency respite child care Additional family separation, reunion, reintegration, deployment support, critical incidents and casualty support related to unexpected events or increase in deployments DMFS generated requests for provision of new services, programs, support
Budget Considerations Contingency Funding The amount of contingency funds available fluctuates each year Is completely dependant on the budget that is allocated to DMFS annually. At the start of any fiscal year, DMFS has no contingency funds and cannot make any commitments. 6
20th Anniversary Update Kicking-off the 20th: A first round of one time only promotional material will be shipped to all MFRCs during the week of 21 March. 20th Anniversary article and 20th logos to be sent to all Centres during that week, via e-mail and DMFS website. To be used in local newsletters, websites, etc. 7
20th Anniversary Update Enhancement Announcements: A steady flow of announcements about the enhancements will begin in the next week and will continue throughout the year An impending election may affect DMFS’ ability to announce certain enhancements publicly via news releases, etc. We encourage MFRCs to use local media, beyond Base newspapers, to increase visibility 12 8
Communications Update 2010 Year in Review A snapshot of DMFS activities in 2010, which also includes a few MFRC highlights. Will highlight fiscal reality of 2010 Currently with translation Expect to disseminate to C/MFRCs and CF leadership in late March 9
MOU Update Reduction of minimum number of voting members for locations < 1000 CF personnel Increased Commanding Officer responsibility/ engagement/ influence Civilian CF family member vice civilian spouse of CF member for 51% Designation of non-voting civilian member to serve on Board Greater DMFS visibility of site-specific funds inclusion 10
Community Needs Assessment DGMPRA must conduct an ethical/ technical review on all proposed research / surveys targeting CF members and their families. All MFRC administered community needs assessments must be pre-approved by the Social Science Research Review Board (SSRRB) DMFS will be launching a CNA toolkit, which will contain information on how, when and options for various CNA methods; and a SSRRB approved pool of questions (survey, focus groups, etc.) and data analysis practices. 14 11
Open Forum Questions? 12
Thank you for participating! Please send any additional questions and comments to 13