Report By the Budget Committee To the Academic Senate W 2/11/2009
Academic Senate Budget Committee AG Mark Meskin 2009 BUS vacant 2010 CEIS Ron Leon 2009 CLASS Maureen Burton 2010 COL Don St Hilaire 2011 ENG Halima El Naga 2011 ENV vacant 2009 Library Christy Stevens 2011 SCI Barry Soroka 2010 ASI vacant Staff Nydia Gutierrez 2009 Admin Lisa Rotunni
Charge! The Committee shall be the deliberative body of the faculty on general fund budget and resource use as they affect the University including, but not limited to, the instructional budget, the academic support budget, the student support budget, the institutional support budget, the allocation of facilities and positions, as well as the allocation of new funds and special funds such as lottery funds.
The Committee shall be consulted and assist in the formulation of the policies, priorities, and guidelines by which University resources are requested and allocated.
The Committee shall ensure that budget and financial reports are provided to the Academic Senate and made available to the campus community on an annual basis. The reports shall include, but are not limited to, salaries, release time, operating expenses, University Educational Trust, and lottery funds. The divisional reports shall also document all sources and uses of funds in addition to the annual increases and decreases.
Resources Ed Barnes VP Administrative Affairs Darwin Labordo AVP Finance & Administrative Services Mark Lopez Director of Budget Services
Transparency Can we see the numbers? Can we understand them? How did the numbers get there? Are the appropriate voices being heard? Forwards to the FAS budget site. How do we compare to other universities? What additional reports would we like to see? ~bisoroka/website/psoft.doc Instructions for seeing budgets, expenditures, salaries. Thanks to Halati, Rich, Rotunni. Will change in March. Hopefully, transparency will be preserved.
Directions Funding of divisions (how the pie is divided) Priorities Other universities GAAP Administrative bloat
RMAC — Resource Management Advisory Council Budget directors of each division: President’s Office Academic Affairs Administrative Affairs Instructional & Information Technology Student Affairs University Advancement Chair of SBC sits there ex officio Dan Hostetler