Beth sy’n digwydd heddiw Syr? Rydyn ni’n mynd i astudio berfau afreolaidd yn yr amser gorffennol heddiw, ‘machgen i Beth sy’n digwydd heddiw Syr?
Mae pedwar o ferfau afreolaidd dod - to come mynd - to go cael - to have gwneud - to do
Mynd es i est ti aeth e aeth hi aethon ni aethoch chi aethon nhw aeth Sian I went you went he went she went we went they went Sian went
Dod des i dest ti daeth e daeth hi daethon ni daethoch chi daethon nhw daeth Sian I came you came he came she came we came they came Sian came
Cael ces i cest ti cafodd e cafodd hi cawson ni cawsoch chi cawson nhw cafodd Sian I had you had he had she had we had they had Sian had
Gwneud gwnes i gwnest ti gwnaeth e gwnaeth hi gwnaethon ni gwnaethoch chi gwnaethon nhw gwnaeth Sian I did you did he did she did we did they did Sian did
1. Bob went shopping to Wrexham. 2. She came to the party. Using information from the previous slides, translate the following 1. Bob went shopping to Wrexham. 2. She came to the party. 3. I had fun at football match. 4. He didn’t come to the party 5. We went on the school trip. 6. They had fun at Bounce Below. 7. They went to the beach.