Fossil Fuel Combustion: Releases N2O (Nitrous Oxides) into the ATMOSPHERE Power Plants, Driving/Car Exhaust/Burning Fossil Fuels Nitrogen Oxides Nitrogen Oxides
Fossil Fuel Combustion: Combines with O2 in the ATMOSPHERE to form OZONE (SMOG)
Impacts of SMOG Human health problems (Asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, reduced resistance to colds/infections) Inhibits plant growth Damages crops and forests
Acid Rain: NOx (Nitrous Oxides) in the ATMOSPHERE Combines with H2O to form ACID RAIN (HNO3)
Impacts of ACID RAIN Lake Acidification Damages Plants Dissolves nutrients/minerals in soil Leaches Aluminum from the soil Damages leaves (can’t absorb sunlight/withstand freezing temperatures) Harms fish, aquatic wildlife, plants. Breaks down limestone/marble structures
Over Use of Fertilizers: Most plants are only able to use less than one-half of the nitrogen fertilizers Majority of the remaining nitrogen fertilizer goes into the air, soil and water. Eutrophication Greenhouse Effect Acid Rain Consuming food/water with high amounts of nitrates negatively impacts human health
Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to Synthetic Fertilizer Use: SMALL SCALE Coffee Grounds Eggshells Compost Wood Ash Seaweed/Fish Emulsion LARGE SCALE Rotate Crops Organic Fertilizer Cover Crops
Preventing Nutrient Run-off and Excess Algae Growth