DO NOW Date: 2/29 Take out your Stunt Ranch Permission slips/money. Don’t forget to bring your lunch tomorrow! Only 3% of the entire Atlantic Blue Tuna population remains today due to overfishing. What effect might this have on the oceans?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does energy flow in food chains and food webs? OBJECTIVES: -Review vocabulary using a card sort -Identify our Target Vocabulary that we will work on this unit.
VOCABULARY REVIEW Watershed: The land off of which runoff flows into rivers and lakes. Runoff: Rainwater that flows off of the land into rivers, lakes, and oceans. Point source pollution: Pollution that can be traced back to one source, like a factory Non-point source pollution: Pollution that is widespread and cannot be traced back to a single source, like litter.
CO RIVER MOBILE EXHIBIT Outside expectations: -Do what you are asked. -Listen carefully -Stay on task
Flint Water Crisis Watch the video and answer the discussion questions. Flint Water Crisis
DO NOW Date: 3/2 & 3/3 Use the marine food web sheet at your desks to answer today’s Do Now.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the relationship between organisms in an ecosystem? OBJECTIVES: -Demonstrate energy flow through an ecosystem -Graph the effects of predator/prey relationships.
Food Chain Dominoes -Place the dominoes in order of what is consumed by something else -Place the dominoes upright and knock over the first domino
Food Chains and Food Webs COPY THIS PICTURE ON PAGE _______ OF YOUR INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK AND COPY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS UNDERNEATH YOUR PICTURE What direction do the arrows travel? What do the arrows represent? What do the dominos represent How does energy flow in this food chain? What is the primary source of ENERGY for this food chain?
FOOD WEB STRING ACTIVITY Your table will be assigned an organism. The string will represent the flow of energy from organism to organism in the food web.
FOOD WEB STRING ACTIVITY Answer the follow questions in your notebook on page : What are some ways that plants, animals, and non-living things are connected? What types of impacts do humans have on ecosystems? What happens to an ecosystem if one species dies out?
YELLOWSTONE How Wolves Change Rivers
DEER PREDATION Read the information on your sheet Calculate and graph the data Answer the questions
Exit Ticket Complete the questions on the exit ticket
Elaborate Using the article, create one of the the menu options provided on your sheet.
DO NOW Date: 3/4 Take out your homework How did the the wolves in the Yellowstone video change the shape of the rivers there?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the relationship between organisms in an ecosystem? OBJECTIVES: -White board practice -Quiz
White board practice Refer to the food web in page 349 in your textbook. Answer my questions on the whiteboard and show me your answer when I count to 3.
Quiz Level Zero Privacy folders up. When finished, place your quiz under your privacy folder and read silently.