Stewarts Creek Middle School Mrs. Burford 7A ELA (Reading) OPEN HOUSE Stewarts Creek Middle School Mrs. Burford 7A ELA (Reading)
How to contact Me Twitter: @kburford702
Grades 50% Assessments 40% Classwork 10% Homework
Late/Incomplete Work * My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed to a level of proficiency (70% or higher) and turned in on time. If an assignment is turned in but proficiency is not demonstrated, the assignment will be returned to the student and the work must be completed / redone until proficiency is achieved. * Late work will lose five points for every day that it is late. After five days, work will no longer be accepted. Printer and Internet issues are not an excuse for late work. It is a school policy that no extra credit is given. Students must do their best work from the beginning of the nine weeks until the end.
Absentee Policy It is the student’s responsibility to check the class calendar, “While You Were Out” file, and/or my webpage. A student has five days to turn in any work assigned on a day a student was absent. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns.
On-Going Assignments Composition Notebooks: Students are responsible for keeping up with notes and assignments in composition notebooks. These will be graded twice a nine weeks. Goal of 40- Your child has a goal to read at least 40 books this school year. Students will be keeping a log of books read in their composition notebooks.
On-Going Assignments Vocabulary- Students will be given twenty vocabulary words every three weeks. They will have homework over these words the first two weeks and a quiz at the end of the third week. There will be a Quizlet available to study (which can be found on my webpage). Students will also be using the twenty words in their literacy classes.
On-Going Assignments Article of the Week- This is an informational text that students will be annotating each week. Students will then complete a Z-Chart (or whatever is specified for that week). These will be given out on Monday and due each Friday.
Technology All students will be using their Office 365 account to type (using Microsoft Word) and turn in assignments to me. Students will be instructed on how to access this account and use it appropriately within the first couple weeks of school. Students will also be using an EdModo account to communicated with the teacher and classmates and turn in assignments. Devices will only be used in the classroom when instructed to do so by the teacher.
ELA and Literacy ELA and Literacy classes will be working closely together this year. Students will be reading and writing in both classes. Because of this, all common assessment grades and essays will count for both classes. It is important for students to recognize that these two classes cannot be separated.