Wednesday 9-15-16 Have out: IR book, Notebook, Class text I will check your annotations. 15 minutes of Independent Reading HW: Read and annotate Chapter 6 by Friday
Purpose To review rules of pronouns agreement To learn new vocabulary OUTPUT: Blog Post Let’s just do the timed writing. The Ch. 4/5 MC can be a retake or moved to Friday?? Thoughts?
Usually the subject of the sentence
Usually the direct or indirect object of the sentence
Shows ownership. Comes before a noun or after a verb.
Indefinite pronouns: Not as specific as him, her, we, etc. These are ALWAYS SINGULAR. They each refer to ONE person.
Indefinite pronouns: Not as specific as him, her, we, etc. These are ALWAYS PLURAL. They refer to MORE THAN ONE.
Fix the pronoun agreement error
Options for EXTRA practice Complete handout Go to and do an interactive lesson on Pronoun Agreement Go to and complete an interactive practice on Pronoun Agreement