Revised Art 17 reporting format Main final changes and remaining issues Expert Group on Reporting 15 March 2016, Brussels
Draft revised formats tabled at the EGR meeting on November 2015 Version November 2015 Pre-EGR Draft revised formats tabled at the EGR meeting on November 2015 Post-EGR Incorporation of comments made during the November EGR meeting Draft revised formats sent for written comments (until 31 December 2015) Version February 2016 Compilation and incorporation of written comments received from members of the EGR Final draft formats tabled at the EGR meeting on 15 March 2016 14/05/2019
Types of changes to the reporting formats Changes are of several types, i.e.: editing, formatting, terminology and consistency between Art 12 and Art 17 formats adaptation of the structure of the species format under Art 17 clarification of the meaning of certain fields or scope of the field to be reported addition of options such as ‘Best estimate’ or ‘Unknown’ for some of the fields deletion of fields such as ‘range maps’ both under Art 12 and Art 17 alternative field heading and content confirmation of optional and mandatory fields some sections were entirely revised such as ‘Annex V species’, ‘Pressures and threats’ and ‘Conservation measures’. some sections still need to be revised as compared to the uploaded draft format as a result of discussions within the Ad hoc group
Types of changes to the reporting formats Changes are of several types, i.e.: editing, formatting, terminology and consistency between Art 12 and Art 17 formats adaptation of the structure of the species format under Art 17 clarification of the meaning of certain fields or scope of the field to be reported addition of options such as ‘Best estimate’ or ‘Unknown’ for some of the fields deletion of fields such as ‘range maps’ both under Art 12 and Art 17 alternative field heading and content confirmation of optional and mandatory fields some sections were entirely revised such as ‘Annex V species’, ‘Pressures and threats’ and ‘Conservation measures’. some sections still need to be revised as compared to the uploaded draft format as a result of discussions within the Ad hoc group
General reporting format (Annex A) (Applying to both Art 17 and Art 12)
References to Natura 2000 mean: pSCIs, SCIs and SACs under Art 17 SPAs under Art 12
Section 4. NEW proposal as compared to uploaded formats (to be also reflected in the guidelines) 4 Set of conservation measures and management plans for Natura 2000 sites (SPAs/ pSCIs, SCIs and SACs) (Art. 6(1) of the Habitats Directive) Member States need to adopt conservation measures involving, if need be, appropriate management plans and other measures which correspond to the ecological requirements of the natural habitat types and the species of Community interest For how many sites do you have: 4.1 Detailed conservation objectives established? 4.2 All necessary conservation measures established? 4.3 Set out the above in a management plan or a similar instrument?
Measures taken in relation to approval of plans and projects (Art Measures taken in relation to approval of plans and projects (Art. 6(4) and Art. 7 of the Habitats Directive) List projects and plans for which compensatory measures were necessary Repeat fields 5.1.1 to 5.1.7 for each project/plan as needed. 5.1 Projects/plans with compensatory measures Requested information to be reported for each site 5.1.1 Site code 5.1.2 Site name 5.1.3 Title of project /plan 5.1.4 Year Commission was informed of compensatory measures 5.1.5 Year project/plan was started 5.1.6 Commission opinion requested? (only for Art 17) 5.1.7 Impact of projects requiring compensatory measures on conservation status/on relevant bird species Optional Free text, max 250 characters
Reporting format for species under Art 17 (Annex B) Several sections are also valid for Annex D (Habitats)
2 Maps Distribution within the MS concerned 2.1 Distribution map Submit a map together with relevant metadata following the technical specifications in the Explanatory notes and guidelines. The standard for species distribution is 10x10km ETRS grid cells, projection ETRS LAEA 5210. 2.2 Sensitive species The information provided relates to a species (or subspecies) to be treated as ‘sensitive’ YES/NO 2.3 Method used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 2.4 Year or period Year or period when distribution data was collected 2.5 Additional maps Optional This is for cases where a MS wishes to submit an additional map, deviating from standard submission map under 2.1. or a range map
3 Information related to Annex V (Art 14) 3.1 Is the species taken in the wild/exploited? YES/NO If the reply is NO, or if the reply is YES and the conservation status of the species is Favourable (FV) in all regions where the species occurs, then do not fill in the remaining fields of this section. If the reply is YES and the conservation status of the species is unfavourable (U1 or U2) in one or more regions where the species occurs, then continue filling in the remaining relevant fields of this section 3.2 Which of the measures in the Article 14 have been taken? a) regulations regarding access to property YES/NO b) temporary or local prohibition of the taking of specimens in the wild and exploitation YES/NO c) regulation of the periods and/or methods of taking specimens YES/NO d) application of hunting and fishing rules which take account of the conservation of such populations YES/NO e) establishment of a system of licences for taking specimens or of quotas YES/NO f) regulation of the purchase, sale, offering for sale, keeping for sale or transport for sale of specimens YES/NO g) breeding in captivity of animal species as well as artificial propagation of plant species YES/NO h) other YES/NO, if YES, please describe (text field) 3.3 Hunting bag or quantity taken in the wild for Mammals and Acipenseridae (Fish) Provide the total hunting bag or the quantity taken in the wild for the 6 years of the reporting period a) Unit Use same unit as in field 6.1 b) Minimum Number (raw, i.e. not rounded) c) Maximum 3.4 Other relevant information Optional e.g. information on regulations in force in the country (Free text)
5 Range 5.1 Surface area Range 5.2 Short-term trend Period Range within the biogeographical/marine region concerned 5.1 Surface area Range Total surface area of the range within biogeographical/marine region concerned in km². 5.2 Short-term trend Period 2007-2018 (rolling 12-year time window) or period as close as possible to it. The short-term trend should be used for the assessment of range. 5.3 Short term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = increasing - = decreasing x = unknown 5.4 Short-term trend Magnitude Optional for 2013—2018 reports a) Minimum Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 5.2 - if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ b) Maximum 5.5 Short –term trend Method used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 5.6 Long-term trend A trend calculated over 24 years. For 2007-2018 reports it is optional. (fields 5.5– 5.7). 5.7 Long-term trend Trend direction 5.8 Long-term trend a) Minimum Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 5.5 - if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’
5 Range 5.9 Favourable reference range a) In km² b) Indicate if operators were used (use these symbols ≈, >, >>) c) If favourable reference range is unknown indicate by using “x” d) Indicate method used to set reference value if other than operators (free text) 5.10 Change and reason for change in surface area range Multiple reasons for change can be reported Are there differences between values reported in 5.1 compared to the previous reporting period? YES/NO If YES, then complete b), c) and d) b) Genuine change? YES/NO c) Improved knowledge/more accurate data? YES/NO d) Use of different method YES/NO
6 Population 6.1 Population size a) Unit b) Minimum c) Maximum a) Unit Agreed unit (see Reference portal) b) Minimum Provide at least one of interval (b, c) or (d) best estimates c) Maximum d) Best estimate If a precise value is known report as ‘best estimate’. Provide at least one of interval (b, c) or best (d) estimates 6.2 Alternative population size (IN ADDITION TO 6.1) (using population unit other than agreed unit) Optional 6.3 Year or period Year or period when data for population size was recorded. Type of estimate 6.4 Method used Population size 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 6.5 Short-term trend Period 2007-2018 (rolling 12-year time window) or period as close as possible to it. The short-term trend is to be used for the assessment of population. 6.6 Short-term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = increasing = decreasing x = unknown 6.7 Short-term trend Magnitude Optional for 2013—2018 reports a) Minimum Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 6.5 - if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ b) Maximum Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 6.5 if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ c) Confidence interval Indicate confidence interval if a statistically reliable sampling scheme is used 6.8 Short-term trend Method used
6.9 Long-term trend – Period Optional for 2013—2018 A trend calculated over 24 years. For 2013--2018reports it is optional (fields 6.11 – 6.14). 6.10 Long-term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = increasing = decreasing x = unknown 6.11 Long-term trend Magnitude a) Minimum Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 6.11 - if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ b) Maximum c) Confidence interval Indicate confidence interval if a statistically reliable sampling scheme is used 6.12 Long term trend Method used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 6.13 Favourable reference population a) Population size unit b) Population size c) Indicate if operators were used (using symbols ≈, >, >>, <) d) If favourable reference population is unknown indicate by using “x” e) Indicate method used to set reference value if other than operators (free text) 6.14 Change and reason for change in population Multiple reasons for change can be reported Are there differences between values reported in 6.1 or 6.2 compared to the previous reporting period? YES/NO If YES, then complete b), c) and d) b) Genuine change? YES/NO c) Improved knowledge/more accurate data? YES/NO d) Use of different method? YES/NO
7 Habitat for the species 7.1 Sufficiency of area and quality of occupied habitat a) Are area and quality of occupied habitat sufficient (for long term survival) YES/NO b) If no, is there a sufficiently large area of unoccupied habitat of suitable quality (for long term survival) YES/NO c) Unknown 7.2 Method used Availability of habitat for the species 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 7.3 Quality of the habitat a) To be indicated as good / moderate / bad / unknown b) Explain how the quality was assessed (free text) 7.4 Short-term trend Period 2007-2018 (rolling 12-year time window) or period as close as possible to it. The short- term trend is to be used for the assessment of habitat for species. 7.5 Short-term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = improving = deteriorating x = unknown 7.6 Short-term trend Method used 7.7 Long-term trend Period Optional for 2013—2018 reports A trend calculated over 24 years. For 2013—2018 reports it is optional (fields 7.7-7.9) 7.8 Long-term trend Trend direction 7.9 Long-term trend
8 Main pressures and threats 8.1 Characterisation of pressures/threats a) Pressure/ threat List max 20 pressures/ threats using codes from the list of pressures and threats at level 3 b) Ranking of pressure/ threat: Indicate whether the pressure/ threat is of: H = high importance (max 5 entries at level 3) M = medium importance NA = ranking not applicable Pressure Threat 8.2 Sources Provide sources of information (URL, metadata) supporting evidence of the FIVE pressures reported as ‘High’
See results of discussion from Ad’Hoc group (Doug’s presentation) 10 Conclusions (assessment of conservation status at end of reporting period) 10.1. Range a) Favourable (FV) / Inadequate (U1) / Bad (U2) / Unknown (XX) b) If CS is U1 or U2, use of qualifiers is recommended 10.2. Population 10.3 Habitat for the species 10.4 Future prospects a) Favourable (FV) / Inadequate (U1)/ Bad (U2) / Unknown (XX) 10.5 Trend in Future prospects/Future trends 0 = stable + = improving = deteriorating x = unknown See results of discussion from Ad’Hoc group (Doug’s presentation)
10.6 Overall assessment of Conservation Status Favourable (FV) / Inadequate (U1) / Bad (U2) / Unknown (XX) 10.7 Overall trend in Conservation Status If overall CS is U1 or U2, use of qualifier '+' (improving), '-' (deteriorating), '=' (stable) or 'x' (unknown) is obligatory 10.8 Change and reasons for change in Conservation status (CS) Multiple reasons for change can be reported Overall CS Overall trend in CS Are there differences between reported values compared to the previous reporting period? If YES, then complete b), c), or d) YES/NO b) Genuine change? c) More accurate data or improved knowledge? d) Use of different methods (including taxonomical change or use of different thresholds)? e) No information on nature of change?
11 Natura 2000 coverage (pSCIs, SCIs and SACs) & conservation measures - Annex II species on biogeographical level 11.1 Population size Population size within the network of pSCIs, SCIs and SACs a) Unit Use agreed unit as defined in field 6.1 a b) Minimum Provide at least one of interval (b, c) or best (d) estimates c) Maximum d) Best estimate If a precise value is known report as ‘best estimate’. Provide at least one of interval (b, c) or best (d) estimates 11.2 Method used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 11.3 Short-term trend of population size within the network of pSCIs, SCIs and SACs Direction Short-term trend of population size within the network over the period indicated in the field 6.5 is: 0 = stable + = increasing = decreasing x = unknown
11.4 Conservation measures From a list still to be done, possibly linked to the list of pressures & threats Measures not needed? (YES if applicable) Or Measures identified, but none yet taken? (YES if applicable) Measures identified and taken? (YES if applicable) Then list the FIVE most important conservation measures taken (i.e. already being implemented) or continued during the reporting period (2013-2018). (For each measure listed above indicate…) 11.4.2 Type of measure a) Legal or statutory b) Administrative c) Contractual 11.4.3 Location of the measure a) Only inside Natura 2000 b) Both inside and outside Natura 2000 c) Only outside Natura 2000 11.4.4 Coverage of the measure Proportion of the species population that is targeted by the measure: a) > 75 % b) 50–75 % c) 25–50 % d) < 25 %
11.4.5 Main purpose of the measure a) Maintain the current range, population and/or habitat for the species b) Expand the current range of the species (related to ‘Range’) c) Increase the population size and/or improve population dynamics (improve reproduction success, reduce mortality, improve age/sex structure) (related to ‘Population’) d) Restore the habitat of the species (related to ‘Habitat for the species’) 11.4.6 Response of the measure (when the measure starts to neutralize the pressure or produce positive effects) a) Short-term results (within this reporting period, 6 years or less) b) Medium-term results (within the next reporting period, between 6 and 12 years) c) Long-term results (after two reporting periods, more than 12) 11.4.7 Short evaluation of the measure effectiveness Very effective, with global positive effects and noticeable improvements in range, population or the habitat for the species Effective, but only with local positive effects Not effective 11.4.8 Comments and additional information Free text
Reporting format for habitats under Art 17 (Annex D) Several sections were already described in Annex B (Species)
5 Area covered by habitat Area covered by habitat within the range in the biogeographical/marine region concerned (km2) 5.1 Surface area (in km2) a) Minimum Provide at least one interval (a, b) or best estimates (c) b) Maximum c) Best estimate If a precise value is known report as ‘best estimate’. Provide at least one interval (a, b) or best estimates (c) 5.2 Year or period Year or period when data for surface area was recorded. 5.3 Method used Area covered by habitat 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 5.4 Short-term trend Period 2007-2018 (rolling 12-year time window) or period as close as possible to it. The short-term trend should be used for the assessment of area covered by habitat type. 5.5 Short-term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = increasing = decreasing x = unknown 5.6 Short-term trend Magnitude Optional for 2013—2018 Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 5.4 - if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ Percentage change over the period indicated in the field 5.4 - if a precise figure, provide the same value under both ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ c) Confidence interval Indicate confidence interval if a statistically reliable method is used 5.7 Short-term trend Method used
5.8 Long-term trend Period Optional for 2013—2018 A trend calculated over 24 years. For 2013--2018reports it is optional (fields 5.8-5.11) 5.9. Long-term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = increasing = decreasing x = unknown 5.10 Long-term trend Magnitude a) Minimum Percentage change over the period indicated in field 5.8 - if a precise figure, give same value under ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ b) Maximum c) Confidence interval Indicate confidence interval if a statistically reliable method is used 5.11 Long-term trend Method used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 5.12 Favourable reference area a) In km² b) Indicate if operators were used (≈, >, >>) c) If Favourable Reference Area is unknown indicate with “x” d) Indicate method used to set reference value (if other than operators) (free text) 5.13 Change and reason for change in surface area Are there differences between reported values in 5.1 compared to the previous reporting period? YES/NO If YES, then complete b), c) and d) b) Genuine change? YES/NO c) Improved knowledge/more accurate data? YES/NO d) Use of different method (e.g. “Range tool”) YES/NO
See results from discussions in 6 Structures and functions 6.1 Proportion (%) of habitat area in good/unfavourable status a) good Percentage of habitat area. b) unfavourable 6.2 Structure and functions Methods used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 6.3 Short-term trend Period 2007-2018 (rolling 12-year time window) or period as close as possible to it. The short-term trend is to be used for the assessment. 6.4 Short-term trend Trend direction 0 = stable + = improving = deteriorating x = unknown 6.5 Short-term trend Method used 6.6 Typical species Has the list of typical species changed in comparison to the previous reporting period YES/NO If NO provide the updated list as an additional excel file 6.7 Typical species Method used Describe method(s) used to assess the status of typical species as part of the overall assessment of structure and functions. See results from discussions in Ad Hoc group
See results of discussion from Ad’Hoc group (Doug’s presentation) 9 Conclusions (assessment of conservation status at end of reporting period) 9.1. Range a) Favourable (FV) / Inadequate (U1) / Bad (U2) / Unknown (XX) b) If CS is U1 or U2, use of qualifiers is recommended 9.2. Area 9.3 Habitat for the species 9.4 Future prospects a) Favourable (FV) / Inadequate (U1)/ Bad (U2) / Unknown (XX) 9.5 Trend in Future prospects/Future trends 0 = stable + = improving = deteriorating x = unknown See results of discussion from Ad’Hoc group (Doug’s presentation) 27
9.6 Overall assessment of Conservation Status Favourable (FV) / Inadequate (U1) / Bad (U2) / Unknown (XX) 9.7 Overall trend in Conservation Status If overall CS is U1 or U2, use of qualifier '+' (improving), '-' (deteriorating), '=' (stable) or 'x' (unknown) is obligatory 9.8 Change and reasons for change in Conservation status (CS) Multiple reasons for change can be reported Overall CS Overall trend in CS Are there differences between reported values compared to the previous reporting period? If YES, then complete b), c), or d) YES/NO b) Genuine change? c) More accurate data or improved knowledge? d) Use of different methods (including taxonomical change or use of different thresholds)? e) No information on nature of change? 28
10 Natura 2000 coverage (pSCIs, SCIs and SACs) & conservation measures - Annex I habitats on biogeographical level 10.1 Surface area Surface area of habitat within the network of pSCIs, SCIs and SACs in km² a) Minimum Provide at least one of interval (b, c) or best (d) estimates c) Maximum d) Best estimate If a precise value is known report as ‘best estimate’. Provide at least one of interval (b, c) or best (d) estimates 10.2 Method used 3 = Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate, 2 = Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data, 1 = Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data, 0 = Insufficient or no data available 10.3 Short-term trend of habitat area within the network of pSCIs, SCIs and SACs Direction Short-term trend of habitat area within the network over the period indicated in the field 6.3 is: 0 = stable + = increasing = decreasing x = unknown or 10.3 Short-term trend of structure and function within the network of pSCIs, SCIs and SACs Short-term trend of structure and function within the network over the period indicated in the field 6.3 is: + = improving = deteriorating 29
10.4 Conservation measures From a list still to be done, possibly linked to the list of pressures & threats Measures not needed? (YES if applicable) Or Measures identified, but none yet taken? (YES if applicable) Measures identified and taken? (YES if applicable) Then list the FIVE most important conservation measures taken (i.e. already being implemented) or continued during the reporting period (2013-2018). (For each measure listed above indicate…) 10.4.2 Type of measure a) Legal or statutory b) Administrative c) Contractual 10.4.3 Location of the measure a) Only inside Natura 2000 b) Both inside and outside Natura 2000 c) Only outside Natura 2000 10.4.4 Coverage of the measure Proportion of the habitat area that is targeted by the measure: a) > 75 % b) 50–75 % c) 25–50 % d) < 25 % 30
10.4.5 Main purpose of the measure a) Maintain the current range, surface area or structure and functions of the habitat type b) Expand the current range of the habitat type (related to ‘Range’) c) Increase the surface area of the habitat type (related to ‘Area of habitat’) d) Restore the structures and functions, including the status of typical species (related to ‘Specific structures and functions’) 10.4.6 Response of the measure (when the measure starts to neutralize the pressure or produce positive effects) a) Short-term results (within this reporting period, 6 years or less) b) Medium-term results (within the next reporting period, between 6 and 12 years) c) Long-term results (after two reporting periods, more than 12) 10.4.7 Short evaluation of the measure effectiveness Very effective, with global positive effects and noticeable improvements in range, population or the habitat for the species Effective, but only with local positive effects Not effective 10.4.8 Comments and additional information Free text 31