Welcome Class of 2023 Forecasting for 2019- 2020
Introductions Principal: Mr. Berzinski Associate Principal: Dr. Bean Dean of Students: Ms. Foley Athletic Director: Mr. Moore Counselors: Mrs. McKenzie A-L Mr. Rubrecht M-Z
Based on Mastery, NOT Points Proficiency Grading Based on Mastery, NOT Points Our students are individuals who CAN achieve great things. They may not all achieve the same things at the same time. Final grade should reflect achievement of objectives for the term, regardless of when mastery occurred.
Proficiency Grading Traditional Grading Proficiency Grading Unit 1 Test: 50% 50% 50% Unit 1 Test: 50% (2 Points) Unit 2 Test: 75% 62.5% (D) 87.5% (B) Unit 2 Test: 75% (3 Pts) Unit 1 Test: 100% (4 Pts) Unit 3 Test: 75% 66.7% (D) 83.3% (B) Unit 3 Test: 75% (3 Pts) Unit 4 Test: 75% 68.75% (D) 87.5% (B) Unit 4 Test: 75% (3 Pts) Unit 2 Test: 100% (4 Pts)
The Forecasting Process is VERY important The Forecasting Process is VERY important. Students will not be able to drop classes they forecast for. Please help your students choose the classes that are the best fit for them.
Forecasting Process Fill out Forecasting Sheet (handed out on 2/20 to MRMS). Counselors to visit MRA tomorrow. MRMS - 3/5 Students to computer lab to online forecast must have paper sheet with them at this time. MRA will turn in paper copies. MHS counselors will enter by hand once registration paperwork is turned in. Window to make online changes closes March 8th. Students can forecast at home.
Curriculum Guide Is available online General School and Academic information Has all course information Listing of all College Credit Courses http://mhs.molallariv.k12.or.us/academics/2019- 20_curriculum_guide___forecasting_information
Required Courses for Freshman Freshman English A and B(Standard or Honors) World History and Geography Integrated Science A and B Algebra or Geometry A and B Placement Determined by 8th grade Math Teacher PE 101
Elective Classes After required courses, freshman have room for 7 or 6 elective courses depending upon their math course. Spanish is a two trimester course. It is not required for graduation but is for entrance into all 4 year universities. Although it is an elective, Spanish is challenging. Band and Chorale are 3 Trimester Courses. There is an application process for Yearbook. There are elections for Leadership. Please do not include Leadership in your choices.
College Credits Students can earn up to a year and a half worth of college credits. These are guaranteed to transfer to any state university in Oregon. The list of courses available for college credit can be found on page 9 of the curriculum guide.
College Credit Courses Available to Freshman Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering All Agriculture Courses Metal Design and Fabrication 3 Course Sequence (Metals 1A, Metals 1B, and Metals 2) Computer Applications 1 Accounting A and B Business Law
Trimester System Students take 5 classes / 3 times 2.5 Credits Earned Per Trimester- .5 per class 7.5 total credits earned per year- 30 credits total 26 credits required to graduate 1 year= 2 trimesters This means student will only have core classes two out of three trimesters.
Graduation Requirements Credits 26 All 3 credits of math must be Algebra I and above Test Scores-SBAC Testing in Junior Year Senior Project
Diploma Options Honors Diploma (28 Credits) Standard Diploma (26 Credits) 4 Years of Math 4 Years of Science Required Honors Level Coursework 45 Hours College Credit 30 Volunteer Hours GPA 3.5 Overall Meet with your counselor!! 4 Years of English 3.5 Years Social Studies 3 Years of Math 3 Years of Science Standard Diploma Coursework
Homeroom Meets Monday –Thursday for approx. 30 minutes. Students have the same homeroom all 4 years of high school. Student receive a S/U grade and .25 credit per year. Homeroom focuses on the Senior Project, College and Career Readiness through Naviance, improving grades, study skills, team building, and community and school involvement. On Tuesdays and Thursdays students are able to access teachers for help in any class.
Molalla High School Mathematics
Features of Every Mathematics Class 70% Target Tests 10% classwork/projects 20% final exam 2 week retake option or test corrections Classes require that students bring a calculator (scientific or graphing) Emphasis on Problem Solving, Conceptual and Procedural mathematics Help Available for All Mathematics Classes Homeroom Travel Days (2 - 3 times a week) After school tutoring ( 4 days a week) Suggested Online Help: Khan Academy and Learnzillion
3 or more credits of mathematics to graduate The Math Sequence Algebra 1 (2 tri or 3 tri) Geometry (2 tri) Algebra 2 required for 4 year universities Algebra 2 (2 Tri) Algebra Applications (2 Tri) Math Analysis/ Calc 1 (3 tri) Algebra 2 (2 Tri) Consumer math (2 tri) Passing score on SAT, ACT or OSAS(taken during 11th grade year) Calculus II (2 tri)
MHS Athletics Fall Sports: -Boys and Girls Cross Country -Football -Boys Girls Soccer -Volleyball
MHS Athletics Winter Sports: -Boys and Girls Basketball -Boys and Girls Swimming -Wrestling
MHS Athletics Spring Sports: -Boys and Girls Track & Field -Boys and Girls Golf -Boys and Girls Tennis -Baseball -Softball