Why doesn't glue stick to inside of the bottle? MOn 09.26.11 Standard 2 Ecology! TOPIC: MY GOAL: DID YOU KNOW? I will differentiate between food chains and food webs AND lean how to use the CPS Clickers! Why doesn't glue stick to inside of the bottle? As long as the glue remains inside the bottle away from air it will remain fluid. Glue hardens when there is a loss of water from the formula. Exposure to the atmosphere will cause the water to evaporate & makes glue harden.
Review Key Terms 1. Clicker Training 2. Page 10 worksheet! Goal met? Engage Review Key Terms Explore 1. Clicker Training 2. Page 10 worksheet! Explain Goal met? What to do if not?
Explain: Autotroph Heterotroph Decomposer Food Chain Food Web Primary Consumer 2nddary Consumer Tertiary Consumer
This side intentionally left blank… until tomorrow ATTACH Packet page 10 TO ISN P.30 This side intentionally left blank… until tomorrow
Explore: YOUR 1st JOB TODAY Complete Reading Comprehension Worksheet Individual READ!!!
Explore: YOUR 2nd JOB TODAY CPS Clicker Training Assigned clicker number RESPONSIBILITY!!! On/Off button Select answer THEN Enter button!
HOMEWORK Study all Ecology pages in ISN! Be the change you wish to see in the world 7 7