Box-and-Whisker Plots Lesson 2-6 Pages 80-83 Box-and-Whisker Plots
How to construct and interpret box-and-whisker plots. What you will learn! How to construct and interpret box-and-whisker plots.
Box-and-Whisker plots Lower Extreme Upper Extreme Interquartile Range Vocabulary Lower Quartile Upper Quartile Box-and-Whisker plots Lower Extreme Upper Extreme Interquartile Range
What you really need to know! A box-and-whisker plot is a diagram that divides data into four equal parts. To do this, first find the median of the data, and then find the median of the lower half, called the lower quartile, and the median of the upper half called the upper quartile.
What you really need to know! Lower Quartile Upper Quartile Lower Extreme Upper Extreme Median
Method: Put the numbers in order. Find the median (middle). Build a wall at the middle spot. Find the median (middle) of the left side. Find the median (middle) of the right side. Build the box and whisker plot using the pre-made number line.
Page 82 Guided Practice #’s 3-6
Method: Put the numbers in order. Find the median (middle). Build a wall at the middle spot. Find the median (middle) of the left side. Find the median (middle) of the right side. Build the box and whisker plot using the pre-made number line.
Homework: Page 83 #’s 7-13 #’s 16-21
Page 568 Lesson 2-6