Research Paper-Core Controversial topics
Let’s define research Root word is “search” which means to look The prefix is “re” which means again So to research is to look and look again It is NOT ask Ms. Kuczek when you immediately don’t find something!!!
Resources Database for school: Password: Learn Ms. Kuczek’s website: Georgetown High School Library Primary vs. Secondary Power Point Purdue Owl Site- MLA Documentation Information Paperity-Good Online Source Site Google Scholar- Helps organize academic journals Citeulike -helps organize and find sources Editminion-helps you with some basic revision Pensters -check for plagiarism Plagarisma -check for plagiarism -NY public library online source
BONUS for using a interview from an expert Sources You must use 3 sources (minimum). One of your sources must be a news source. (Examples:,,,,,,,,, OR any other official news source) Other sources can be from anywhere EXCEPT for or any other wiki sources. Information that needs to be cited: direct quotations from the articles; use quotes, and cite at the end of the sentence with (author’s last name, page # of article). Information that doesn’t need to be cited: names, dates, information that can be found in any article written about the event BONUS for using a interview from an expert
Due Dates Final Draft “A” Day is 3/10 “B” Day is 3/11
Topics Abortion- should taxpayer money be used for? Activism – when does it cross the line into anarchy? Affirmative Action – does it have relevance in 2015? America's Global Role – militarily or monetarily? Capitalism versus Socialism for America Capital Punishment – federal or state governance? Censorship on the Internet – How far should government go? Domestic Violence – Do current laws go far enough to combat? Energy Resources – The best way to exploit them. Euthanasia – Is it in conflict with religious teachings? Family – The Underpinning of Democracy? Freedom of Religion – Government’s Role Gun Control – How much is too much? Homelessness – Is this a public policy issue? Human Rights – Should America Be the Global Standard? Immigration – What can be done about illegal immigration? Immunization - Should it be a legal requirement? Media in Society – Do they help or hurt our democracy? Medicare – Is it a good idea? Military Veterans – Do we treat them as heroes? Poverty and Welfare – Do Government Programs Work? Public Education versus Private Education Racism – Does it still exist? Separation of Church and State – Is it Real or Political Pawn? Sex Education – Does Government Have a Role? Sexual Orientation – Nature or Nurture? Smoking – Whose Business Is It? Social Security – Is it a Good Idea? Standardized Testing – Does it any sense? Taxation – Income Tax versus Value-Added Tax. Toll Roads – Are they antithetical to American values? Treason – Should it be a capital crime? U.S. Patriot Act - It is an infringement of rights or not? Voting Rights versus Voter Identification. War on Drugs/legalization – Is it working? Science – Why don’t women and minorities enter the field?