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Reading skills and graph interpretation
Demographers use histograms Graph of age distribution at particular time Cohort size Male vs. female Pre-reproductive Reproductive ages Post reproductive
Cohorts move up graph as they age – US baby boomers (1946-1964)
US generations Baby boomers (1946-1964) X generation/ baby bust – (1965-1976) Echo boom / Generation Why (Y) (1977-2000) Millennia generation (2000-2010) Social and economic considerations: Geriatric or infant health care? Education or retirement spending?
Histograms can also be used to predict future population trends based on an important assumption
Check for understanding What is the name of these graphs? What do the vertical thirds represent? What do the two sides represent? Which cohort would tell you about IMR? What aspect do you consider when predicting future population trends? What assumption is made in making future populations with these graphs?
The second important graph
Check for understanding Why does death rate fall with industrialization? Why does birth rate fall? Why does death rate fall first? At what two points is growth stable? How many siblings do you have? How many siblings for each of your parents? How many siblings for each of your grandparents?
Check out these histograms http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/informationGateway.php