Creating Districts and Recreating Districts


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Presentation transcript:

Creating Districts and Recreating Districts

Creating Congressional Districts Every ten years the United States holds a census. Constitutionally mandated Used to assess the population of the entire country and each state These population numbers serve as the basis for the creation of congressional districts The decision on district shape and size is up to the states Not specifically enumerated in the Constitution

Required that districts be made up of “contiguous territory.” How Districts are Made In 1842, Congress passed a law that stated each State was responsible for drawing congressional districts within their state. Required that districts be made up of “contiguous territory.” As a result of this law and the desire of political parties to make the best situation for themselves we have some odd looking congressional districts. This term is called gerrymandering

Effects of gerrymandering This is done for two purposes. To create districts that are strong for one party “Packing” a large number of voters into a few districts to concentrate votes To create districts that are weak for the opposing party. “Cracking” the majority party spreads the opposing party’s supporters among many districts to dilute their influence.

Possible Reform? MI is one of the most gerrymandered states in the US. Last year people split their ballots 50/50 between Dems & Reps yet Republicans won 63 House seats and Democrats only 47. When maps were redrawn in 2001 & 2011, Republicans controlled both chambers of the MI Legislature and the governor’s office. Possible solution: Proposal 2: Independent Redistricting Commission Constitutional amendment that would entrust redistricting to an independent commission instead of the Legislature and governor. 13 members: 4 members from each major party & 5 members who are not affiliated with either major party. Strict criteria: equal in population, comply with federal Voting Rights Act, single/unbroken shape.