2.Rock types interactive notes 4.Complete poster DUE FRIDAY 5.Closing Thursday October 4, 2018 1.Warm Up 2.Rock types interactive notes 3.Rocks practice 4.Complete poster DUE FRIDAY 5.Closing
Warm Up Quizizz!!
Today I will learn that rocks are classified based on how they formed and their mineral composition
Standard SES2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to understand how plate tectonics creates certain geologic features, landforms, Earth materials, and geologic hazards. d. Ask questions to compare and contrast the relationship between transformation processes of all rock types (sedimentary, igneous, & metamorphic) & specific plate tectonic settings.
Work 1. Rock types interactive notes 2.Rocks practice 3.Complete poster
List and explain the 2 types of Igneous rock Closing List and explain the 2 types of Igneous rock