RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “The Second Coming of Christ”, we learnt that this event will be as literal and visible as His going away. At His coming, He will execute judgement upon the ungodly, set up His kingdom and reign on this present earth for a thousand years. Sinners and Saints are called to prepare for this great event. While sinners are called to repent and come to Christ, the Church (saints) are to be ready, holy, spotless, watchful, prayerful and occupying till He comes.
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 742: DAVID DEFEATS GOLIATH MEMORY VERSE: …… “So David prevailed over the Philistines with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.” (1 Samuel 17:50). TEXT: 1 Samuel 17:1-58
INTRODUCTION This study focuses on the war between Israel and the Philistines, a recurrent problem between the two nations. Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, taunted the army of Israel for forty days and there was none to challenge him. However, David through sheer courage and faith in God took up the challenge to confront him, and God gave him the victory. Likewise, believers should trust in the living God for victory in life’s battles regardless of the odds they face. QUESTION 1: What can believers learn from the defeat of Goliath? – Jeremiah 17:5,7; Isaiah 31:1; Psalm 60:12
GOLIATH’S CHALLENGE AND DISDAIN FOR ISRAEL’S ARMY 1 Samuel 17:1-11; 14:1-22; 2 Kings 18:17-35 Saul had fallen out of favour with God and lost His support. This opened Israel to enemies’ attack. Loss of God’s presence exposes the believer to satanic attacks and divine judgement. The army of Israel was intimidated and ridiculed by Goliath; this produced fear among the people. Believers should trust God completely and not fear Satan and his agents. QUESTION 2: What were the consequences of Saul’s loss of fellowship with God? – 1 Samuel 17:10-11; 16:14; 28:6
DAVID’S PEDIGREE AND GRACIOUS CHARACTER 1 Samuel 17:12-31; 16:12,18; Psalm 37:23 David’s appearance at the war scene was divinely arranged (Psalm 37:23). When he was provoked, he took it with admirable temper. As the glory of God and the nation was at stake, he did not allow the ill- will of his brothers to stop him. As Christians, we should be determined to accomplish our God-given tasks. Provocations should be handled with grace and calmness. Likewise, negative comments should not destroy our confidence in God and His promises.
COURAGE AND TRIUMPH OF FAITH 1 Samuel 17:32-58; Numbers 13:30 Despite Goliath’s intimidating features, David displayed boldness, courage and extraordinary faith in the God of Israel. Faith and assurance in David’s heart led him to confess what the Lord would do. He was confident of what God did for him in the past when faced with danger; he never forgot God’s gracious dealings, and he was humble. That should be our attitude in life’s challenges. QUESTION 3: Why was David bold and courageous to confront Goliath? – 1 Samuel 17:37; 45-47; Exodus 14:14 QUESTION 4: What can believers learn from David’s victory over Goliath? – Colossians 2:14,15; 1 Cor 1:27,29; Ephesians 6:10-11
CONCLUSION Backsliding opens the door to satanic attack. God resists the proud; He disregards those who defy him. Like Goliath [also Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, etc.], one cannot harden his/her heart against God and prosper. As David triumphed over Goliath, so did Christ over Satan and his host at the Cross. Believers therefore can exercise power over Satan and all adversaries with courage and confidence in God. By putting on the whole armor of God, we can face every battle of life.