ETS Working Group, 5-6th June 2012 Item 7.1 - UOE 2011 data collection overview Paolo Turchetti 5/6 June 2012 1
UOE 2011 Data collection Launched at the end of May 2011 Deadline: 30th September 2011
Minimum and maximum delay in delivering the data QUESTIONNAIRE Language Regional Enrolments Entrants Class Finance Graduates min -18 -71 -62 max 135 164 173 370 206 196 184
Delay in submitting the data with respect to the deadline of 30th September 2011 on time 1 week later 2 weeks later 1 month later 2 months later 3 months later more than 3 months
Commission Regulation 88/2011 data should be submitted: Enrolments, Entrants, Personnel, Class, Regional Enrolments and Foreign Language Learning by 30th of September and Graduates and Finance by 30th of November Close compliance monitoring by Eurostat and above if needed
Points for discussion The reasons for the delays in submitting the UOE questionnaires The action plans for improving the timeliness in order to respect the UOE 2012 deadlines according to the dates reported into the regulation