Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración MADE Webinar A new method to link the GFMD with binding processes: Women in migration in Mexico Gretchen Kuhner Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración @IMUMIDF
The Questions We Are Asking How can we utilize national civil society advocacy spaces within the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) in order to push the national advocacy agenda? How can we create synergies to ensure government compliance on a national level with commitments made during the GFMD? How can we link these “aspirational” commitments to binding processes such as CEDAW and CMW?
Background IMUMI first participated in the GFMD in 2010 – the year it was founded and the year that the GFMD was held in Mexico. Began to identify common issues related to women in migration in the region and internationally. In 2013, IMUMI began coordinating its international work through the Collective Migration for the Americas (COMPA) on a national level and with the Women´s Global Migration Working Group (WGMWG). This created the opportunity to include general recommendations regarding women in migration in such events as the UN High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development in NY. In 2014, IMUMI participated as a member of COMPA in the Women´s Caucus of the People´s Global Action incorporating issues of women in migration in Central America and Mexico. PICUM incorporated the main principles in its Civil Society Report of the GFMD in 2014.
Within the GFMD in 2015, IMUMI participated as a member of COMPA and helped articulate the WGMWG – COMPA- UN Women during a side event that focused on identifying issues particular to women who particpate in migration processes throughout the world – including the participation of women who have never migrated from communities of origin, but whose lives (economies, decision making, community) are affected by migration. During the GFMD in Istanbul, Turkey in 2015, IMUMI – as a member of COMPA – collaborated with the Women and Global Migration Working Group in the report . IMUMI also participated in the UN Women side event on women migrants, presenting recommendations to the Mexican government regarding the rights of women migrants in transit from Central America through Mexico.
Migration Policy in Mexico International and Regional Instruments National Development Plan Special Program on Migration – 5 year National Migration Policy Office of Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior Migration Policy Council – Ministry of the Interior Citizen´s Council of the Migration Institute
Advocacy Strategy for Women in Migration CEDAW MWC Rec. 26 CEDAW Utilize international fora for government commitment to specific recommendations or to establish non-compliance. Research that provides recommendations based on evidence and supported by international instruments in collaboration with UN Women Present recommendations in national fora through CSO networks and government fora. WGMWG, GFMD, MWC, CEDAW COMPA, Citizen´s Council INM, Migration Policy Council