The Advantages and Disadvantages US vs. Them The Advantages and Disadvantages
Brothers War
The Army North South Regular Army Kept standing army separate Did not seed volunteer army Started from Scratch No standing army to speak of
North v. South
Recruits(Infantry) North South 2.5 to 1 advantage over the South 4 to 1 in white males Slaves ran off to join the Union army Slaves also allowed for higher numbers to serve
A Quick Story
Navy North South More naval personnel Money and industry to build By war’s end, largest Navy in the world Started from scratch Technology Ironclad, Combat Submarine, Torpedoes and rams
Another Story
Cavalry North South Not typically riding on horseback Had to be trained to be cavalry soldier Experienced Horsemen Advantage early on during the war Majority were cavalry officers in the USA Army
Artillery North South Higher industrial capacity 15x South’s iron production 24x the locomotives 1/3 of cannons were rifled Did not have much experience with artillery officers
Guns North South Could supply itself Improved the design of breech loading repeaters Imported rifles and then captured thousands Embraced new technology
Enfield Rifle
Leadership North South Pope, Burnside, Hooker, McClellan in East Grant, Sherman, Thomas in West Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, Stuart in East Bragg and Polk in the West
The Leaders
Leadership II North South Lincoln Minor military service and no training Bright, listened, and quick learner Davis West Pointer and excellent military background Micro-manage and honored loyalty
Foreign Relations North South No advantage to getting Europe involved especially England Loans could be extended Europe could recognize the Confederacy Loans could be extended
English Prime Minister
Production, Supply, and Finance North South Liquid Assets More people to tax Flexibility to centralize banking system Non-liquid assets Could not ship due to blockade Printed money leading to inflation
North Has More
Strategy North South Occupy, conquer, and hold the South Status quo antebellum Conciliation Outlast the North’s willingness to wage war Offensive-Defensive strategy