Texas History February 2017 Immigration to the U.S. Texas History February 2017
Lesson Frame Learning Target- We will examine the key cultural differences of the key cultures that made up the “Melting Pot” of the United States. Success Criteria- I will construct a culture pizza book to differentiate the characteristics of nine different immigrant groups. Language Objective- We will identify key aspects of a culture and how we see them in the U.S. today.
Essential Question Why did certain groups chose certain areas to emigrate to in Texas and the United States?
Warm-Up What is your ancestral background? What countries does your family come from? My ancestors originate from ________________. What does the term culture mean to you? To me culture means______________________. How do you see your country's roots in what you do today? On a daily basis, my family continues to do ____________________________.
Immigration vs Emigration Vocab Chart On the Vocab Chart you have 8 terms to fill out their respected “four square” -You will first look at the words in the center and start by filling out the squares in the top left of each chart. Here you will tell me what you think the word means. The first 4 word are on the front followed by the second 4 on the back. - You have 4 minutes to fill out what you think each word means. Write the explanation in a complete sentence.
Vocab Squares Word What do you think it means? What does it actually mean? Word Use the term in a sentence. Draw a picture of the term
Vocab Front Immigration- the process by which people come in to a foreign country to live there Emigration- the process of leaving a country in order to live in another country Turmoil- a state of extreme confusion, uncertainty, or lack of order Persecution- unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs
Vocab Back Culture- the way of life of a particular people, esp. as shown in their ordinary behavior and habits, their attitudes toward each other, and their moral and religious beliefs Ancestor- any member of your family from long ago, for example, the grandparents of your grandparents: Tyranny- unlimited authority or use of power, or a government which exercises such power without any control or limits Diversity- the mixture of races and religions that make up a group of people
Personal Pizza Preschool, Elementary What States/Countries have you Where do you want to go to college? What States/Countries have you Lived in? What is your Favorite Food? What are your Parents/ Grandparent Job? Education Fun Fact about you What religion are you? What is your Favorite Color? What is your Favorite School Subject?
Immigrant Pizza Book - You and a Partner (one other person) will be completing an informational book regarding 9 different countries and how they have influenced Texas and the United States -Using the resources that have been presented, you and your partner will need to find the following information about the 2 countries presented to you for the day. -Most people’s history can be traced to one of the following nine countries/areas of immigration- - Germany -Scandinavia -Ireland -Poland -Czech & Central Europe -Jewish Immigration -China -Mexico -African American Immigration
Immigrant Pizza Book What is their native language? Place Settled in the U.S.? Texas? What is the Major Religion Of the Country left? Famous Immigrants from this Country? What did they do? - Answer Each Slice in Complete Sentences! -Use the information given to complete the slices. How do we see their Culture Today? What Jobs were taken in the U.S.? Why did they leave to settle in the U.S.? 3 Fun Facts about this Country
Cover Page and Back Page Title of Booklet Partner Names Date Period Decoration/designs appropriate with the booklet Table of Contents Marble…… 1 German …. 2 etc Back Page Color the last pizza to finish off all pizza Color neatly 12 pts total for the covers
What your Final Book should have... Items need to be in order when you turn in. Title Page (Given to You) 2 Personal Culture Pizza’s German Pizza Scandinavian Pizza Irish Pizza Polish Pizza Czech & Central European Pizza Jewish Pizza Chinese Pizza Mexican Pizza African American Pizza
Rubric for Book Project Grading Catagory What is being graded? Possible Points Total Points Title Page Information Filled Out 12 2 Personal Culture Pizza's All Slices are Filled out with appropriate answer in each slice. (1 Point per Slice Filled Out) 16 German Pizza 8 Scandinavian Pizza Irish Pizza Polish Pizza Czech & Central European Pizza Jewish Pizza Chinese Pizza Mexican Pizza African American Pizza Rubric for Book Project