NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG Governing Body, 24 April 2019 My Life, My Choice: A Strategy for people with learning disabilities in Cheshire East NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG Governing Body, 24 April 2019
Key Aims of strategy To ensure that all individuals with learning disabilities Can live a healthy, happy and independent life. Have more choice and control over the care that they receive. Are part of a more collaborative, person centered approach (along with their carers and familes) in the way that care and support is commissoned.
Priority Areas The strategy adopts a ‘whole life’ approach and will focus upon the following key areas: Community Inclusion, Early Help, Life Changes (Transition) Education & Employment, Short Breaks, Assistive Technology, Housing, Workforce Development Mortality, Health and Transforming Care Autism.
Strategic Approach A focus on adopting a new approach new ways of working to allow people to live independently (e.g. assistive technology) Development of priorities by co-production with a range of stakeholders and putting recommendations into practice to meet the needs of our residents. Placing an emphasis on early help and intervention and promoting access to universal services for all to enable individuals to live independently for as long as possible. With an aging population, an increase in demand for services and a reduction in budgets, the strategy looks at promoting a creative approach towards how we care for people and provide a range of options to meet the needs of the individual, including accommodation. Recognise that there is no ‘one size fits all’ and will ensure that the person with learning disabilities must be at the centre of everything we do. Encouraging system wide work in order to improve the lives of people with Learning Disabilities in the Cheshire East area (Tranforming Care and Individual Case Working Group)
Engagement and Consultation Co-Production approach used in production of strategy Stakeholder engagement including service user easy read surveys and attendance and various meetings and forums. Input from carers and service users through the Cheshire East Learning Disabilities Partnership Board and All Age LD Conference. Focus Groups with groups (including Parent carers) Engagement with professionals and service users from independent providers 4 Week Public Consultation on Cheshire East Council Website (Including easy read version) Feedback from NHS South Cheshire CCG and NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG and Cheshire and Wirral Partnership
Ensuring and Measuring Success The strategy outlines a number of indicators which will be used to measure the impact of the strategy. There are also a number of proposed areas of focus under each priority. We are proposing that these indicators will be monitored by Commissioners and the strategy will be held to account by the Chehsire East Learning Disability Partnership Board to ensure an integrated partnership approach. It is also proposed that a six monthly review is carried out on the strategy.