(AKA The Dead Dudes of Atomic Theory) Atomic Timeline (AKA The Dead Dudes of Atomic Theory)
Democritus 460 – 370 BC First to develop the idea that matter was made of particles called Atoms The term “Atoms” comes from the Greek word “atomos” which means “undivisible”
John Dalton 1766-1844 Proposed atomic theory An atom is indivisible, indestructible, tiny sphere. Determined that elements have unique atomic masses
Joseph John Thomson 1856- 1940 Discovered Electrons Proposed an atomic model known as the “plum pudding” model
Ernest Rutherford 1871- 1937 Discovered positively charged nucleus by probing atoms of gold foil with positively charged particles. Proposed atomic model with massive nucleus with electrons in a circle around it in a solar system model
Niels Bohr 1885- 1962 Developed atomic model that placed electrons in specific energy levels to explain why they did not spiral toward and collide with the nucleus Proposed the model with electrons in specific orbits around the nucleus
James Chadwick - 1932 Discovered neutron as a neutral particle in the nucleus The discovery explained why the mass of an atom could not be attributed entirely to the mass of the protons (+) Positive Protons (0) Neutral Neutrons Nucleus
Erwin Schrodinger – 1933 Described electrons as waves with their probable location viewed as a cloud and introduced a mathematical model of the atom e-
Highlights Democritus First – Atomos - Indivisible John Dalton Atomic Theory J.J. Thomson Electrons - “Plum Pudding” R.A. Millikan Charge and Mass of Electron Ernest Rutherford + Charged Nucleus – Gold Foil Niels Bohr Electrons Specific NRG Levels Erwin Schrodinger Electron Cloud Wave James Chadwick Neutrons (Jimmy Neutron)