Battles Lesson Starter: Which aspect of trench life do you think would be the worst? Give reasons for your choice.
Today we will: Identify what happened during major battles of WWI. Explain the differences between these major battles.
Success Criteria: I can research key facts about two major battles. I can explain some of the key differences between the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Loos.
During WWI many battles were fought, some more successfully than others. Major errors were made by military leaders on both sides. New weapons also played a significant part during these battles too.
Take a double page in your jotter and draw the table below: Battle Loos Somme Start date – End date Leaders Level of experience of soldiers New weapons used Effectiveness of new weapons Mistakes made Casualties Impact on life in Britain
Now share your answers with the other pair in your group. In pairs, read through the information sheet and complete your side of the table. Now share your answers with the other pair in your group. As a group, answer the questions below: What were the key differences between the battles? What were the similarities? Do you think military leaders learned from their mistakes? Explain your answer.
Part 3 (AS 1.1) Choose a WWI historical source. You should have a printed copy in front of you. You need to talk about how useful the source is for investigating a historical topic. Use the prompts on the next slide to help you. SC – I can make a judgement about the usefulness of a source by making at least three points related to its origin and purpose, and/or content and/or context
Example Source Source A is from a letter written by Private James Miller, 16th Royal Scots, to a friend in July 1916 about the Battle of the Somme Source A It was just cruel. We had no chance. I was going over the top with Jimmy when he got shot in the chest. I do not think he knew anything. That was when I got min, only I was lucky for it was just my leg. I crawled into a shell hole with poor Jimmy just behind me, where I could see the bullets still tearing into him. I think it was deliberate on the part of the Germans, for they were shooting at the wounded all day long. The bullets were like hailstones. 1. Evaluate the Usefulness of Source A as evidence of the Battle of the Somme.