Neighborhood News
The report shows no penalty for overdue books.
When someone gets a punishment for a doing something wrong penalty When someone gets a punishment for a doing something wrong
Say the word penalty
Which one might get a penalty? Driving through a stop light Dropping your napkin on the floor or
The news reporter went away on location.
location A place
Say the word location
Which location would you like to live in? the country OR the city
The soccer team was an excitable group.
If people or animals can get worked up easily excitable If people or animals can get worked up easily
Say the word excitable
Which is more excitable? a puppy OR a turtle
The reporter was positive it would be sunny.
When you are very sure about something positive When you are very sure about something
Say the word positive
What would you wear if you were positive it was going to rain?
Jonathan’s heart flutters when the camera rolls.
If something flies quick in a light then moves away flutters If something flies quick in a light then moves away
Say the word flutters
Which of these flutters? a rock OR a leaf
Jonathan was thrilled to be selected as an anchor.
If you have chosen a certain thing selected If you have chosen a certain thing
Say the word selected
Tell how you selected which clothes to wear today.
Mrs. Hood makes the announcements each morning at school.
When someone gives new information to a group of people announcement When someone gives new information to a group of people
Say the word announcement
Would someone use a loud or a quiet voice to make an announcement to a large group?
Jonathan hopes to have a career on TV.
A job that someone might get training or go to school in order to do career A job that someone might get training or go to school in order to do
Say the word career
Tell about a career that sounds like fun.