Word Dissection Lesson #30 Revised April 2018
Make a flashcard for each word part. On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __
Examples: Revert = turn back Convertible = able to turn into (something else) Turn (giro) Introvert = turn into or toward
spic spicu= Look (mira) Examples: Despicable = able to look away Transpicous = having to do with looking across spic spicu= Look (mira) Conspicuous = easily seen (with seen)
phyt phyte phyto= Plant; fungus (planta/fungo) Examples: Dermatophyte = fungus of the skin Phytogenesis = origin of fungus Microphyte = small (tiny) fungus phyt phyte phyto= Plant; fungus (planta/fungo) Phytology = study of plants & fungus
se__= Away; apart (fuera/aparte) Examples: Secede = draw or pull away Seduce = lead away
__er __or __tor __ator= Examples: Teacher = person who teaches Singer = person who sings Reader = person who reads Person who; something that; or a device (persona que) Conductor = person who conducts
acro= Tip; height [extremity, i.e. hand/food or end/top] Examples: Acrolithic = tip of a rock/stone Acromania = crazy about height Acronym = name from the tip acro= Tip; height [extremity, i.e. hand/food or end/top] (la punta) Acrophobia = fear of heights