Update on Implementation of Measure J City Council item 16 February 25, 2019
Measures I & J November 6th Pasadena voters approved Measures I & J Measure I – ¾ cent sales (use) tax to maintain essential services/reinvest in critical infrastructure Approval rate: 68.74% Measure J - advisory measure regarding use of 1/3 Measure I proceeds for public schools Approval rate: 72.05%
Ad Hoc Committee Formed by City Council on December 10, 2018 Mayor and Councilmembers Hampton and McAustin School Board President Torres and Boardmembers Cahalan and Kenne Supported by City and District staff Ad Hoc Committee met on December 19th and February 19th There were also two informal meetings with staff which included the Mayor
Key Priorities for use of Measure J Funding Priority One – Fiscal Stabilization – FY20 est. $4m Maintain local control by maintaining required reserves (3%) Offset impacts of mid-year reductions Priority Two – Restoring/Maintaining Existing Programs – FY 20 est. $3m Restore previously approved budget reductions Support signature programs: IB, DLIP, STEM, STEAM, Visual & Performing Arts Priority Three – Other District Priorities Future initiatives that benefit students
Key Priorities for use of Measure J Funding Establish a Memorandum of Understanding Memorializing key priorities Requiring accountability through annual reporting As to how funds will be spent As to how funds were spent Initial term of three years with automatic renewals Subject to termination by the City
Moving Forward Obtain Council Feedback On proposed priorities and MOU parameters Discussion at next week’s Joint-meeting Approval of MOU Consideration of establishing standing Joint-committee To track District’s progress towards greater fiscal stability To facilitate various joint efforts To engage in regard to District facilities re-use Plan