Welcome back to our 15th meeting! February 7th, 2019 RUSA E-Board Updates Welcome back to our 15th meeting! February 7th, 2019
Academic Affairs Committee - Aneesh Deshpande Met with Expos Director finally! Looking to establish a Committee comprising of students, and faculty to help recommend new essays/articles for the class Goal is to move the class to purely online (FREE) readings in the next five years Grade appeal system specifically for expos PR First couple of steps in planning iclicker bank & rental system Still looking to finalize student-wellness resources Committee meetings: 3-4 Fridays at SAC. Office Hours: Tuesday 9-11 AM Contact: rusa.academicaffairs@gmail.com (908)-510-1252
Athletics ~ Ryan Cassidy Athletics Coordinator Green Bandana Project - Health and Wellness workshop Student Cohesion Initiative - Dodgeball, basketball, open mic night, etc. Contact: rmc316@scarletmail.rutgers.edu or (609) 845-7707
Big Ten - Patrick B. Phillips Will give updates during Winter Conference Report this evening. Contact me → big10.rusa@gmail.com
Health & Wellness Committee - Hinita Patel The Bandana Project Legislation will be presented tonight on this initiative R Lounge Friday, February 15th on Morrell Street next to the CASC from 9pm-12am Sign up to volunteer to staff the photo booth! Excel sign up sheet in RUSA FB page Photovoice RUSA members involvement http://studentaffairs.rutgers.edu/photovoicewellness/ Committee Meetings: Thursdays at 5 p.m. in the SAC Conference Room Email: healthandwellness.rusa@gmail.com
IA Committee - Alex Anderson Compromise with Allocations over caps on the way! CAP
Legislative Affairs - Julien Rosenbloom Obtained insurance confirmation from bus company for Pallone Town Hall Planning PR for Pallone Town Hall to ensure high number of applicants Continuing event and topic planning for Pallone Town Hall Working on joint SVE/LA phone banking/advocacy initiative Committee meetings: Wednesdays @ 8pm in the SAC. Office Hours: Thursdays 1pm-3pm, 6pm-7pm. Contact: rusa.legislativeaffairs1@gmail.com, (908) 323-8971.
Parliamentarian IA Review of Allocations Transparency Standing Rules Tomorrow, 5-7PM Standing Rules Last call for comments Email parliamentarian.rusa@gmail.com FYI: Allocations Selection Board The Assembly will select a representative to the board. The Board nominates candidates for the Allocations Board for next year. New Member Handbook Suggestions? Email parliamentarian.rusa@gmail.com Committee Meeting Times Finalized, will be published Chairs who have not recorded their times with me need to see me tonight! Dad joke of the evening: Do you want to hear a joke about about paper? I’d tell it, but it’s absolutely tearable. :)
Public Relations - Emily Kane
Secretary - Ana Leah Long My Contact Info: Email: secretary.rusa@gmail.com Phone #: 201-539-0750
Senate Leader Let’s talk about SEX baby! Senate Applications close Saturday…
Sexual Violence Education (SVE) Department- Channel Jordan Updates: SVE Meetings 2/1 2/8 Meetings w/ Jonel Video Series Bystander with A Message Working on initiative w/ Julie Department Meetings: Fridays at 5:00 pm RUSA Office Office Hours: Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm Thursdays, 4:00-5:00 pm Contact: svedepartment@gmail.com Quote of the Day: “You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being served.” -Nina Simone
Student Affairs - Jhanvi Wrapping up the What’s on Your Mind Survey -- sending it over to Baseline soon! Tell your friends to apply to fill RUSA vacancies … no seriously. Do it. Email: rusa.studentaffairs@gmail.com Meetings: Mondays at 7:30pm in the SAC lounge
Treasurer - Priti Kantesaria :) If you have receipts from ABTS or anything else, put it in my mailbox! ---------> -----------> ------------> SVE is working on some awesome initiatives so come out to the meetings if you can! HMU if you have questions/concerns @ rusa.treasurer1@gmail.com or 732-896-1762!
University Affairs- Dominique Little Dining Hall Advisory Committee Met with all four general managers for the dining halls Legislation coming up Bus Etiquette Ban the Bag Black History Month Moment!! Gladys Mae West, American Mathematician, contributed to the creation of the GPS Contact Information: 908-265-2393 rusauniversityaffairs1@gmail.com Committee Meetings Transportation and Sustainability: Wednesdays @ 12pm Dining and Public Safety: Fridays @ 5pm
Vice President - Jessica Tuazon Updates: Sustainable Governance meetings started last week - very excited!!! If you do not have an assigned committee, you HAVE to let me know Went to RHA LDD and Involvement’s Welcome Back Banquet - had a great time repping RUSA :) My Contact Info: Email: vicepresident.rusa@gmail.com Phone #: 908-448-6639 Roses are red Rutgers is too This Assembly Represents you!
President’s Update!