Session X Reports USCG AuxData Hours.


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Presentation transcript:

Session X Reports USCG AuxData Hours

There are three major rules for reporting NS activity. Reports There are three major rules for reporting NS activity.

Reports Rule #1: You have to send a report to the gold side (discrepancy, verification or survey) This is done via Harbor Master program - PATONs Non-Permitted PATON – Non-Permitted PATON Report ATON Discrepancies – Form 7054 Bridge Program The Harbor Master program is used only to report PATONs that have been permitted. Non-Permitted PATONs are reported via the Non-Permitted PATON Report. ATON Discrepancies are reported via Form 7054 If the ATON of PATON is Class 1 or 2 and could lead to damage to a vessel or loss of life, it should be reported immediately to the Coast Guard (Critical). If the ATON of PATON is Class 1 or 2 and could lead to a grounding or stranding, it should be reported immediately to the Coast Guard (Urgent). 2003 Aids to Navigation Workshop

Reports Rule #2: You have to record how many of what you did for AuxData How many ATONs, PATONs or Bridges did you find discrepant, verify or survey You use the 7030, mission 30 (ATONs), 31 (PATONs) or 32 (Bridges) to record the number of each

Reports Rule #3: N.S. hours are reported on a 7030 (Unit/Individual) You can use mission 30, 31 and 32 You can also use 70C (CG Support) if hours were expended prior to the mission for research or for post reporting Underway hours are accounted for via AuxData Order Management – do not duplicate these hours Personal preparation, study, travel, etc. hours are reported on 7029 (99 form) as a 99-E CG Support

If your AV effort was not on a patrol – You ONLY need to prepare one 7030 Report, (30, 31 or 32 mission).

Important Any PATROL must be conducted on an operational facility, under official orders, and operated by a currently qualified coxswain and boat crew.

The ONLY way to get credit for the number of Aids you did! 7030 (Unit/Individual) – Activity Report -Mission (INDIVIDUAL AtoN ACTIVITY) The ONLY way to get credit for the number of Aids you did!

7030 INDIVIDUAL REPORT AtoN - 30 PatoN - 31 Bridge – 32 C/U - 41

INDIVIDUAL AtoN ACTIVITY Section II – Mission Codes Select and enter the appropriate Mission Code(s). Select 30 – AtoN Mission to report time and or number of Federal aids. Select 31 – AtoN Mission to report time and or number of Private aids. Select 32 – AtoN Mission to report time and or number of Bridge checking activities.

that your activity was performed. l Forward to your FSO-IS Officer within 15 days of the time that your activity was performed.

Example You spend 5 hours researching information on 5 PATONs You spend 2 hours planing your operational route You spend 1.5 hours getting ready and traveling to the boat The boat is underway for 5 hours Another hour to travel home It takes you 2 hours to enter the data into Harbor Master What forms and how are they completed? 7 hours on 7030 - 70C 2.5 hours 99E The AOM takes care of the 5 hours underway 2 hours on 7032 - 31 2003 Aids to Navigation Workshop

AV Annual Currency Requirements AVs must submit a minimum of two (2) valid NS reports per year to satisfy the currency requirements. The required two minimum reports can be: Private aid verifications or discrepancies Federal aid discrepancies Bridge discrepancies or surveys Chart Update Report 2003 Aids to Navigation Workshop

5 YEAR RULE Failure to maintain currency for 5 consecutive years results in loss of AV Certification

END OF Session X