Possible Places to visit: Literacy will be based on ‘Talk for Writing’, in which children learn the features of a text and use them as a model before creating their own versions of a text type. There will be also be emphasis on regular reading, basic grammar and punctuation, as well as a continuation of year group spellings. Year 3: Narrative: Traditional Tales with alternative endings, Poetry: Kennings, Non-fiction: explanations and non-chronological reports, playscripts. Year 4: Playscripts: Changing a narrative into a playscript, Narrative: Myths, Poetry based on classic poems, Non-fiction: Persuasion. Maths will be based on year group targets from the National Curriculum. Year 3: Number – Multiplication and Division, fractions. Measurement - Time Year 4: Number – fractions and decimals. Measurement – Money. There will also be a continued emphasis on knowing and applying number facts within a mastery style curriculum. Asking your children ‘how’ they solved a Maths problem is very useful. Don’t forget to access ‘MyMaths’ at home for reinforcement and consolidation. Science States of matter To compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. To observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled. To identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. RE Judaism Plus: both years will study Easter. Music Year 3 – Taught by Mrs Eyre Year 4 – Clarinet or oboe / Anvil performance. Art To create images and models based on the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. History Ancient Egypt Focussing in some detail on the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians, with an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared. D.T. To develop children’s understanding of control through investigating simple pneumatic systems and designing and making a model. Computing To consolidate understanding of codes and instructions through the use of ‘Purple Mash’ online teaching tool. To explore Lego Wedo. Possible Places to visit: The British Museum, which holds the largest collection of Egyptian objects outside Egypt.