Prešovský kraj Lukáš Gólis VIII.A
Something about Prešov The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 13 districts and 666 municipalities, from which 23 have a town status. The region was established in 1996 and is the most populous of all the regions in the country. It's administrative center is the city of Prešov.
Population density and population The population density in the region is 90.8 inhabitants per km², which is below the country's average. The largest towns are Prešov, Poprad, Humenné, Bardejov and Snina. According to the 2011 census, there were 814,527 inhabitants in the region, with a majority of Slovaks , with minorities of Roma , Rusyns and there are small minorities of Ukrainians and Czechs.
Cultural monuments The Prešov region is 3757 cultural monuments. This is a list of the various lists of places by districts: district Bardejov - 299 , district Humenné - 69 , district Kežmarok - 761 , district Levoča - 769 , district Medzilaborce - 44 , district Poprad - 509 , district Prešov - 513 , district Snina - 56 , district Sabinov - 137 , district Stará Lubovňa - 231 , district Stropkov - 59 , district Svidník - 128 , District Vranov nad Topľov - 155
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