Nation: A large grouping of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory Nation-state: a political entity (a state) associated with a particular cultural entity Nationalism: Extreme form of Patriotic feeling and marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries
A certain defined (sometimes vague) unit of territory [possessed or coveted] NATIONALISM
Common cultural characteristics (Language, customs, literature, religion manners, etc…) #2 CULTURE NATIONALISM
Common independent or sovereign government or the desire for one. NATIONALISM
Common history (even if invented) or common origin (even if mistaken or racial in nature). NATIONALISM
Common pride in achievements (often the military more than the cultural) NATIONALISM
Common sorrow in its tragedies (particularly its defeats) NATIONALISM
Disregard to other similar groups, especially if these prevent or seem to threaten the national existence #7 Hostility NATIONALISM
The nation will have a great and glorious future and become supreme in some way #8 Hope NATIONALISM