An X-ray diagnostics at Protosphera? Enrico Costa IAPS - INAF Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018
An X-ray diagnostics at Protosphera? Why? We have evidence that the experiment is creating the conditions for reconenction. The question is: Is reconnection acceleraring particles significantly above the involved temperatures a up to which energy? The answer can derive frm diagnostics at different wavelengths. Given the uncertainty of the hypothesis and the limited resources we should privilege fast and cheap experiments to achieve a first raw answer. In case of a positive detection a more complex experiment can be set up, also based on well established technologies. Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018
The Goal To detect X-Rays associated with reconnection events. Amount so far totally uncertain. It is reasonable to go down as far as possible with energy. We need: A detector with associated read out electronics and recording system Environment monitoring instrumentation A window to separate the inside of the Protosphere with the outside. A mechanical mounting including a collimating system to identify the direction of the possible X-rays Possible associated instrumentations to verify the functionality of the We assume that some of this equipment can be shared with other esisting facilties. Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018
INSIDE OUTSIDE: The window Element C1 C2 8 µm Be (0.3 mil) 12 µm Be (0.5 mil) Li 0% 29% Be 13% B 0.06% 19.7% C 4.3% 43.9% N 20.2% 59.2% O 29.4% 62% F 46.1% 69% 4% 1% Ne 58.1% 72.9% 20% 9% Na 65.4% 75.1% 40% 27% Mg 70.6% 77.3% 59% 47% Al 75.4% 80.3% 73% 64% Si 64.7% 81.8% 82% 75% The options for the window are: Be Plastics SiN3 The request to go as low as possible with the energy Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018
A possible solution A commercial SDD detector from AMPTEK with associated electronics and a Si N3 window. Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018
First decision To verify that the detector (with is window) can be harbored within Protosphere. This is the first point to discuss. Otherwise we must move to another configuration namely a detector outside a separate window that would be unavoidably thicker. Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018
In case it works In case we detect X-rays and fix the energy scale we can design a much better experiment definitely based on not-commercial staff. A pinhole with a large area SDD (100 cm2) A mask with a large area SDD (100 cm2) A lobster eye optics with [what?] ………. Gruppo Plasmi IAPS 30/11/2018