Agenda Intro FlipGrid BookTalk – due before Spring Break + respond to several Socratic Seminars – Literary Criticism Articles & Othello Workshop Thesis.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda Intro FlipGrid BookTalk – due before Spring Break + respond to several Socratic Seminars – Literary Criticism Articles & Othello Workshop Thesis Statements With your group of 4 – you will read your thesis statement aloud to the group and allow each person in the group to make a comment, ask a question, provide feedback, etc. After you have listened to the comments, you will respond. Repeat this for each group member. Select one to share with the group if we have time.

Reminders 3-8-19 Vocab Unit 8 Full Quiz, Friday, March 15 Upcoming: Othello In Class Essay, Monday, 3/18 Othello M.C. Unit Test, Tuesday, 3/19 Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Monday, 3/18 FlipGrid – BookTalk – must submit by Friday, 3/29 (the Friday before Spring Break); requirements are posted to the blog under the Independent Reading tab.

Independent Reading FlipGrid Assignment (15 points – Speaking & Listening Category) Create a FlipGrid Response about your Independent Reading Novel. Include the following elements: Due Date: Your response must be posted by Friday, 3/29. Title and Author Explain the setting, main characters, and conflict experienced What question or issue is at the heart of this book? Share a key quote that relates to the conflict or key issue of the novel Persuade or dissuade a classmate to check this book out. Explain why they might like it or why they might struggle with it. Create a hashtag for your book. (This should be visual somehow in your response!) **Max time of FlipGrid – 1 minute

Literary Criticism socratic seminar assignments – 2nd block Article #1 – The Arena of Tragedy Article #2 – Does Othello have to be Black? Article #3 – The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Joy Ike Anna Maya Richard Maddie S. Amy Katie Noah Addi Alexis L Maddie T. Alyssa Katelyn K.C. Cwen Chloe Kimmy Kendall Alexis M. Savannah Penelope Amanda Darren Ria Natalie Will

Literary Criticism socratic seminar assignments – 3rd block Article #1 – The Arena of Tragedy Article #2 – Does Othello have to be Black? Article #3 – The Moor in English Renaissance Drama Ethan Chelsea Ellie Amanda John Mark Alexa Rachael Sophia Kelley C. Christian Sam   Liv Lexi Evan BJ Olivia Jason Jack Sterling Tyler Charlotte Kelly B. Kaeden Ryan Ryn Amiya London Amari Forrest Riley Aki Adam

Socratic Seminars

Writing: thesis review (from yesterday’s work)

Thesis statement workshop With your group of 4 – you will read your thesis statement aloud to the group and allow each person in the group to make a comment, ask a question, provide feedback, etc. After you have listened to the comments, you will respond. Repeat this for each group member. Select one to share with the class. This can either be what you all feel is the ‘best’ OR it can be one that would be a good one to workshop together as a class.

Mini-Lesson: Thesis Remember our prompt: The thematic concept of appearance versus reality presents itself in the play Othello. What is the message about appearance versus reality so far? Select a character to analyze as he/she relates to the idea of appearance versus reality. Today we are going to focus on writing an effective thesis statement that not only addresses the prompt without restating the prompt, but also develops an idea that is complex and shows insight.

Here are some sample thesis statements that show complexity and insight (next slide). What do you notice about these examples? Turn and talk. Those who put up an incredible façade make it difficult for others to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. Perceptions that at first appear rational can actually bring about great misfortune when the truth is revealed. Appearances are always able to change, while truth is a universal constant. People’s personal character flaws often shape their perceptions of others allowing them to be easily manipulated. Racism is used as a weapon for insecure people to manipulate others in society.

notice There is no mention of specific names in the thesis statements. There is a clearly stated theme. It is argumentative/opinion. Now…your turn…return to your draft and revisit your thesis. How can you revise your thesis statement to achieve these things?