Region 10 Membership Statistics (Name) (Position) (Date) Updated on 11 April 2019 IEEE Annual Statistics
Region 10 Membership History 1966 - 2018 Region 10 was created on 1 January 1967
Region 10 Higher Grade History 2000 – 2018 (Voting Members, exclude Associate Members) 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. From 2007 onwards, Higher membership count include GSM.
Region 10 Higher Grade History 2000 – 2018 (including Associate Members) 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. From 2007 onwards, Higher membership count include GSM.
Region 10 Student Membership History 2000 - 2018 IEEE Annual Statistics Section A Table 1 - IEEE Membership by Region and Grade OR Table 2 - IEEE Membership by Region – 3 Year Comparison, 20xx – 20xx Table 5 - IEEE Members by Grade 1963 – 20xx 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. From 2007 onwards, Student membership count exclude GSM.
Student Branch Chapters Student Branch Affinity Groups R10 Geographic Units as at 31st December 2018 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Sections 44 47 52 56 57 Sub Sections 5 4 6 9 8 10 12 21* Technical Chapters 213 224 244 261 288 332 372 399 433 490* Affinity Groups 18 21 31 34 39 43 49 Geographic Councils Student Branches 262 287 330 376 439 490 535 583 672 749 Student Branch Chapters 38 40 41 60 74 98 Student Branch Affinity Groups 1 13 29 53 572 613 690 765 874 990 1,105 1,182 1,350 1,523 * To be confirmed * 7 Subsections had been dissolved as at 19 February 2011 by MGA Board. * 29 Chapters had been dissolved as at 19 February 2011 by MGA Board.
Student Branch Chapters Student Branch Affinity Groups R10 Geographic Units as at 31st December 2018 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Sections 57 58 60 Sub Sections 17 18 19 23 26 29 32 Technical Chapters 491 515 550 571* 577 878 926 682 Affinity Groups 56 67 74 88 94 98 Geographic Councils 6 7 Student Branches 850 958 1061 1159 1,262 1365 1433 1517 Student Branch Chapters 131 202 259 327 471 602 771 932 Student Branch Affinity Groups 119 151 182 196 231 288 323 331 1,727 1,966 2,193 2,402 2,701 3,310 3,640 3,659 * To be confirmed * 7 Subsections had been dissolved as at 19 February 2011 by MGA Board. * 29 Chapters had been dissolved as at 19 February 2011 by MGA Board.
R10 Geographic Units 2017 2018 Diff Sections 58 60 +2 Sub Sections 29 as at 31st December 2018 2017 2018 Diff Sections 58 60 +2 Sub Sections 29 32 +3 Technical Chapters 926 682 -244 Affinity Groups 94 98 +4 Geographic Councils 6 7 +1 Student Branches 1433 1517 +84 Student Branch Chapters 771 932 +161 Student Branch Affinity Groups 323 331 +8 Total 3640 3659 19 IEEE Annual Statistics Section F Table 1 - Organization Units of the IEEE, By Region * To be confirmed * 7 Subsections were dissolved at the 19 February 2011 MGA Board Meet. * 29 Chapters were dissolved as the 19 February 2011 MGA Board Meet.
Region 10 Higher Grade vs. Student Grade 2000 - 2018 as at 31st December 2018 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. From 2007 onwards, Student membership count exclude GSM.
Region 10 Higher Grade vs. Student Grade 2000 - 2018 as at 31st December 2018 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. From 2007 onwards, Student membership count exclude GSM.
Region 10 Membership 31 December 2018 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented. ( ) = Percent of Total Region Membership
Graduate Student Member R10 Higher Grade Members = 89,475 Region 10 Membership 31 Dec 2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Honorary Fellow Senior Member Member Graduate Student Member Associate Member Student Member Year 2018 1,206 9,497 57,723 19,168 1,874 41,052 Year 2017 (0) 1,185 (+21) 8,597 (+900) 55,229 (+2,494) 17,256 (+1,912) 1,652 (+222) 41,781 (-729) Total R10 Member = 130,527 R10 Higher Grade Members = 89,475 R10 Voting Members = 87,601 2007 was the first year that the IEEE Graduate Student member (GSM) Grade was fully implemented.