Welcome to the Second DAY! Please come in quietly We do not have assigned seats yet so pick your seat! Sit quietly, maturely, and respectfully
7th Grade Science Ms. Lang
How I like to teach! We will do as many hands on activities as we can throughout this year! Focus on the “why is this important” part of science; while learning the concepts. Relate our topics with global events, both historical and current. REPITITION!
Class Procedures Whether with pairs or groups, we will work together a lot this year. How do I get your attention? Countdown Call and Response The Bell
What do I do when I get to class? Find your seat. Get out materials you will need for class. There is always some form of morning “science starter”. These morning questions go in the third portion of your 3 subject SISN. Begin as soon as you finish getting ready for class.
Class Expectations I will do my best to make science exciting, relevant, and rewarding. (Trust me, it wastes my time to waste your time.) I expect you to do your best! I expect you to stay focused and on task with me. I expect you to participate I expect you to complete assignments, notes, etc. I expect you to respect – ALL things
At the end of class There will always be an at the end of class “what did I learn” prompt. Sometimes these are structured, sometimes you can complete them in any format you want! When finished with the end of the lesson prompt, you will have time to pack up and clean up. I need your full attention until we are done with the class lesson, do NOT pack up until everything is complete. Make sure you clean up any paper around your area, put away any borrowed materials, and PUSH your chair in!
Are you ready to start?!?
Name Hats Get one sheet of white computer paper. Cut the sheet of computer paper in half HOT DOG way (long way). Decorate to your liking and make sure your name is BOLD and on the front for me to see. Remember Ms. Lang has old eyes, please write your name BIG!!!
Introductions Say your name Something about yourself
Similar or Different
Let’s set up our SISN My SISN is my favorite!!!
SISN (Student Interactive Science Notebook)
ISN - Interactive Student Notebooks You have 1 notebook You need to BRING IT TO CLASS EVERYDAY! Notebooks will be graded randomly using a rubric based on completed daily work. Number ALL of your pages! NO blank pages and pages are NOT torn out!
Lost Notebook Notify me and purchase a new one IMMEDIATELY! You should follow the directions for initial set up at the beginning of their new notebook and then make up all the right side assignments that are due for the next notebook check. See other students for what must be made up.
What should I do if I run out of pages? There are a couple things that can be done. It is best if you purchase another notebook and then staple the front of the next notebook to the back of your current notebook. Staple the corners and along the sides. Secondly, pages can be added by taping or gluing them to other pages. This is a good strategy especially if you discover that an assignment is missing but you have already used the next right side page for the next assignment
Let’s create our outside cover: Can be ANYWHERE on the outside Let’s Begin Let’s create our outside cover: Can be ANYWHERE on the outside Your name Course name (Science) Class period - Block 1, Block 2, or Block 3 M/W or T/Th
Name 7th grade Science Block M/W or T/Th 2017-2018 Title Page First page in the SISN: Name 7th grade Science Block M/W or T/Th 2017-2018
We will review class expectations and glue into ISN Step 2 We will review class expectations and glue into ISN
Step 3 (Copy the blue & the arrow statement into ISN) Your notebook will… Be a way to organize your notes Will make class notes easier to understand Allow you to be more successful in class Be a personalized textbook
Step 4 ISN are graded using rubrics by teacher and peers. Glue sample into ISN.
Step 5 Lab Safety Contract Review and glue in lab safety contract Go ahead & sign
Step 6 On page 4 write: Table of Contents Page # Topic/Task
Step 7 Starting with the first page, number the first twenty pages - start with the page after the title page that we just created. The title page should NOT have a number. Begin numbering on the very next page after the title page. The FIRST page when you open will be page #0 Numbers should be small and at the top outside corner of all pages 0-10
Awesome Job!
Title Page - page 6 Before we begin a unit Can use words or pictures for the unit/area of study Will put unit standards and objectives also