Gender Based Violence State of Play Item 5 of the draft agenda


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Presentation transcript:

Gender Based Violence State of Play Item 5 of the draft agenda DSS Meeting 1 and 2 March 2018

Background DSS informed on the development of a EU survey on Gender Based Violence (GBV) at its last 3 meetings Working Group Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics set up a TF in 2016, currently: DE, EE, ES, FR, HR, IT, LV, LU, HU, NL, PT, SI Grant action with ISTAT to support the work First meetings of the TF in 02/2017 and 06/2017 + written consultations: 1st draft questionnaire ready in September 2017 Eurostat

Contents of the 1st draft questionnaire Background questions on respondent, current partner and former violent partner (if any) Sexual harassment at work Non-partner violence (details on last incident) Former partner violence (details on last incident) Stalking Violence in childhood Knowledge of support services Opinion on GBV in the country Health questions Short additional module on victimisation Eurostat

Grants action – testing & piloting Test in two steps: Translating and pre-testing the draft questionnaire until end 2017 Pilot testing the revised draft questionnaire (after pre-testing) until end January 2019 Qualitative comparisons and assessing impacts of methodologies 11 countries: BG, EE, ES, HR, IS, LT, LV, MT, NL, PL, SI of which 8 pre-testing, all piloting, 4 on methodological aspects Eurostat

Outcomes of pre-testing Translation, focus groups, cognitive testing Good acceptation, considered sensitive but possible (“necessary”) to answer No difference women-men in answering Main issue: questionnaire too long (but “by purpose” to assess what shall be selected) Difficulties with some questions Small test survey in NL with 200 persons, around 65% response rate (after reminder) Eurostat

Way forward Analysis of outcomes with ISTAT and discussion at next TF meeting 7-8/03/2018 -> revised questionnaire for piloting TF meeting 15-16/05/2018 to discuss methodological aspects for piloting (e.g., sampling, interviewing modes, interviewers training and security) Questionnaire and methodological material provided in May-June + online forum, for pilot surveys ending 31/01/2019 Eurostat

Way forward Outcomes of piloting and, based on them, final questionnaire and guidelines discussed by the TF in spring 2019 Final methodology and questionnaire presented at WG Crime and criminal justice in 2019 Implementation from 2020 (funding intended) Eurostat

Call for proposals in 2018 Around 1 million euros used for the 2017 grants on a budget available of 4.4 million After discussion at last DSS meeting and with DG JUST it was decided to use 1 million euros provided by the European Parliament for a second call for piloting and methodological analyses Launched in January 2018 with deadline for application 20 March, information of the ESSC at its February meeting Eurostat

DSS is invited: To take note of the work ongoing with the TF on the development of the GBV survey To apply for grants (NISs or ONAs) under the new January 2018 call for proposals Eurostat