Positive Leadership Your Name
Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to: Describe the importance of Positive Leadership Explain Light and Dark of Command and Control Explore themes in changing leadership styles
Content Why Change? Command and Control Positive Leadership
Why Change? “There is a definition of insanity: It’s doing the same thing …and expecting different results.” Place participants into groups and ask them to come up with a definition for ‘Collaboration’. Give them 10 minutes to do this and once the 10 minutes is over, ask each group for their views. Discuss these views and then sum up by showing the next slide.
Organisational Context “Command and control leadership is now so discredited, but I find it hard to change” What do we mean by Command & Control? What would we see people doing in this type of organisation? Why is it hard to let go of this style of leadership? Why does it not work anymore? How can I be different?
Light and Dark The Light side of Command and Control Power Compliance Safety Efficiency The Dark side of Command and Control Dependency Lack of Responsibility Fear Blame Culture Loss of Creativity
Losing Command & Control The Light side of Command and Control Control Power Compliance Safety Efficiency The Dark side of Command and Control Dependency Lack of Responsibility Fear Blame Culture Loss of Creativity Increasing and acknowledged uncertainty Need for creativity and innovation Awareness of speed and pace of change Need for continual adaptation and change Changing psychological contract (Unwritten expectations of employer-employee relationship)
4 Box Model High UNCERTAINTY Low AGREEMENT High Low High Uncertainty and High Agreement Make use of your people to keep them motivated. Show appreciation during uncertain times. Ask for their views and value their opinions. High Uncertainty and Low Agreement Managers and supervisors need exceptional leadership skills during these times to avoid chaos. Low Uncertainty and High Agreement Keep things ticking over. Ordinary management and supervision will only work when things are settled. But how long is it going to be like this? Low Uncertainty and Low Agreement Managers and supervisors need to have an awareness and an ability to tackle issues early on to prevent unrest and uncertainty. UNCERTAINTY Low AGREEMENT High Low
Using positive Leadership 5 minutes to individually think about themes associated with the need to change leadership style 5 minutes to discuss with the person next to you 5 minutes to share with the group
Objectives Now you can: Describe the importance of Positive Leadership Explain Light and Dark of Command and Control Explore themes in changing leadership styles