In this PowerPoint… Virtual Learning Day and Advisory


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Presentation transcript:

In this PowerPoint… Virtual Learning Day and Advisory Journal (pre-writing of Habit of Mind personal narrative) Context Clues Matrix Time

Advanced English October 31, November 1 6.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings. a) Listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules with awareness of verbal and nonverbal cues. b) Participate as a facilitator and a contributor in a group. c) Participate in collaborative discussions with partners building on others’ ideas. d) Ask questions to clarify the speaker’s purpose and perspective. e) Summarize the main points a speaker makes. f) Summarize and evaluate group activities. g) Analyze the effectiveness of participant interactions. h) Evaluate own contributions to discussions. i) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. j) Work respectfully with others and show value for individual contributions. 6.4 The student will read and determine the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts. a) Identify word origins and derivations. b) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary. c) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words. d) Identify and analyze the construction and impact of figurative language. e) Use word-reference materials. f) Extend general and cross-curricular vocabulary through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry. a) Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. b) Describe cause-and-effect relationships and their impact on plot. c) Explain how an author uses character development to drive conflict and resolution. d) Differentiate between first and third person point of view. e) Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text. f) Draw conclusions and make inferences using the text for support. g) Identify the characteristics of a variety of genres. h) Identify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language. i) Compare/contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts. j) Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern. k) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. October 31, November 1

You need: To Do Today: a pencil, your planner, your journal, Why did the skeleton not cross the road? He didn’t have the guts! How do you make a witch itch? You take away the “w”. What is a witch’s favorite subject? Spell-ing! To Do Today: Discuss the Virtual Learning Day and Advisory. Journal. Discuss context clues. Have grammar small groups and matrix time. You need: a pencil, your planner, your journal, your novel, your purple portfolio, and your Chromebook.

Virtual Learning Day English Task: Digital Portfolio You will begin working on your Writer paragraph, which is part of your portfolio work. Your task is on Schoology in the folder labeled “Virtual Learning Days”. You may type your paragraph on a Google Doc and submit it electronically, or you may write your paragraph in your journal and turn your journal into your class bin. You may ask questions on the Schoology discussion board during office hours. Tuesday, November 6 Staff Day Make-up day from the hurricane Students do not come to school Maximum of 30 minutes per core class and world language=2 ½ hours of work You have until Friday, November 16 to complete the work. You may do the work on paper or online. Teachers will have office hours from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 6 to answer questions.

Advisory Wednesday, November 7 You will go to your first bell class with your Chromebook and earbuds right away. Class starts promptly at 8:35 and ends at 9:35. You will go through your regular schedule the rest of the day, just shortened briefly. Write your room down in your planner right now: Latin I: Go to your regular classroom. Spanish I: Go to your regular classroom. French I: Go to your regular classroom. Art: Go to your regular classroom. P.E.: Last names A-M go to your regular classroom. Last names N-Z go to Art (D204).

Write about a time when you faced a challenge. Journal Write about a time when you faced a challenge. When you are finished, you may work on your matrix.

Matrix Context Clues Activity and Paint Chip Activity-due TODAY Advisory work from October 11 due ASAP Parts of Speech Chart-due NEXT CLASS! Digital Portfolio “Where I’m From” poem-6th grade page “Where I’m From” reflection-6th grade page Choice Novel-read by Nov. 19 (B) and Nov. 20 (A) Choice Novel Journals on Seesaw-due by Nov. 19 (B) and Nov. 20 (A)

Context Clues What are context clues? Why should we look for context clues instead of immediately reaching for the dictionary? Can we always use context clues?

Context Clues “’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber— Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;— This is it and nothing more.” entreat (verb): to plead with especially in order to persuade; ask urgently

Context Clues The arbitrator, the neutral person chosen to settle the dispute, arrived at her decision. The team’s uniforms were immaculate before the game, but by the end of the first half they were filthy. The kitten was gaunt—just so thin and bony! The haberdashery was Lou’s favorite place to shop because he loved nice suits. The scientist was accused of several acts of espionage, such as photographing secret documents and taping private conversations.

Context Clues Using your bookmarks as a guide, identify two challenging words as you read your choice novels. Write down the page number where each word can be found. Use context clues to predict their meanings. Confirm the definitions in a dictionary.

Matrix Context Clues Activity and Paint Chip Activity-due TODAY Advisory work from October 11 due ASAP Parts of Speech Chart-due NEXT CLASS! Digital Portfolio “Where I’m From” poem-6th grade page “Where I’m From” reflection-6th grade page Choice Novel-read by Nov. 19 (B) and Nov. 20 (A) Choice Novel Journals on Seesaw-due by Nov. 19 (B) and Nov. 20 (A)