[Your name] [Your company] Making your point! [Your name] [Your company]
Open Present Close Preview Tell them what you will cover Agenda or preview Present Tell them Present concepts and ideas Close Tell them what you told them Review and reinforce 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Open Set ground rules Perform the appropriate tasks Make introductions Overview any materials or equipment Perform housekeeping Breaks Schedule Restrooms Phone policy 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Additional housekeeping Open Perform the appropriate tasks Smoking policy Room rules Room temperature Evening activities Hotel checkout times Transportation schedules Building hours Emergency exits Parking Refreshments Restaurants and lunch Recycling and trash 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Open Set ground rules Perform the appropriate tasks Go over question policy Establish expectations Why is this important Why the audience needs it Connect “whys” with the word “because” Present the agenda or preview 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Present Set ground rules Deliver the material For adults use analogies Use gestures and demonstrations when appropriate Use your voice effectively Use humor if you are have the gift of humor 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Present Set ground rules Deliver the material Keep bullet points readable from the back of the room Use an odd number of bullets when possible Use pictures and graphics when possible Keep slides simple Watch your time on each slide 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Close Close Review and reinforce Review the high points and the “because” Give take away items and concepts when possible 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Close Key information Provide continued learning info List key Internet links List key readings List any follow-up events, presentations… 6/25/2009 Version 1.0
Ask if there are any additional questions [Your name] [Your company] [How to reach you or someone for follow-up]