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! Networking Training Networking Training In any organisation, there are often very different individuals within the sales team Click: Some people are natural networkers and are forever bringing in new clients. For others, attending a networking event is second only to root canal work. Click: The solution is often as easy as delivering some simple confidence-building training Click: Which explains to them that some people are not best suited to go ‘hunting’ for new business, they are better suited to go ‘farming’ Click: Finding opportunities in their existing client base and adding value to existing contracts 2
Networking Training Training budget Confidence Networking Training In lean times, there is often the temptation to minimise training budgets as much as possible. However, this leads to a correspondingly lower level of effectiveness and so lower confidence levels within the team Click: Increasing the training budget and applying it intelligently, sends out a powerful message to your best people that “we are all in this together” Click: and builds their confidence that the safest place for them is where they are now, not rushing off and starting new and perhaps competitive businesses Training budget Confidence 3
Farm Existing Accounts A major part confidence-building for ‘farmers’ is to point out that most business comes from existing customers, so they are not being asked to do anything new. 4
Farm Existing Accounts It is also very important to reassure ‘farmers’ that they should never be asked discuss money, especially if it relates to their own time. Click: Instead, these individuals should be used to nurture customers through the sales cycle, understanding the client’s needs and demonstrating value Click: If price negotiations are required, this is always best done by ‘hunters’, who are better equipped for this unpleasant duty. The point of these workshops is clear: those companies that do manage to double their sales will not be affected by the recession. Plus, you are much more likely to be able to arrange a new bank loan with a full order book, and so can continue to grow ahead of the competition £ 5
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