Staying on topic By: Heather Byrge
Staying on topic means that my friend and I talk about the same thing
Sometimes I have a hard time talking with my friends.
I can hear them talking to me but I don’t know what to do.
I can have fun talking with my friends if I follow these simple rules.
First, I look at my friend who is talking to me.
Second, I listen to what my friend is saying.
Third, I need to find out what my friend is talking about.
If your friend is talking about his dog then should you ask him a question about his dog or the school?
The answer is DOG. I should talk about dogs if my friend is talking about dogs.
My friends will be happy if I stay on topic.
Practice, practice, practice Ryan you have many friends here at McClure. Pick a student who you would like to talk to. Review this PowerPoint at home and with me (Mrs.Byrge). Enjoy talking to your friends!