Templates: applications Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School October 21, 2010 Templates: applications
Preliminaries Pre-class (30 classwork pts.) Launch Internet Explorer and browse to http://www.freetypinggame.net. Obtain your typing speed. Practice placing your hands on the homerow without looking at the keyboard. Click on the “Learn Now” button within the “Free Typing Lessons” pane. Select lesson #6 and read the instructions which follow. Proper hand placement “E” and “N” keys (left middle finger and right index finger respectively)
Review: Templates (Fax Covers, Letters and Resumes) Purpose Fax covers: identification Letters: ordinary requets Applications: requests for employment Placeholders Main Header (all) Date (all but resumes) Return Address (all but resumes) Body (applications and letters only) Closing (applications and letters only)
Objectives Be able to follow a written set of instructions for an extended period of time while monitoring comprehension and completion throughout. Be able to create a application letter in order to request employment. Be able to print the document.
Focus Lesson: Applications Launch Word and bring up the task pane. Create an application letter the easy way. Templates: use your teacher’s. Placeholders Modify the content of the template based using your own information. Main Header Education Work Experience (??) Print the document (??).