VELO Software Update TELL1 Algorithms Error analysis Bit-perfectness Beetle header correction Error analysis Occupancy/Noise analysis Gain Calibration Parameter Storage TELL1 clustering in simulation Pile-up
TELL1 Algorithms Tomasz, Guido + Karol, Kurt, Alex… In June TED run significant discrepancy seen between emulation and TELL1 TELL1 producing significant extra ‘noise’ clusters TELL1 C lib and firmware 4.0 recompiled and installed Test data with various algorithm configurations & databases taken. Major problem solved Some discrepancies still under investigation on boundary strips in FPGA processing, working with Alex Gong Currently 96.7% bit perfect
Beetle Header Cross-talk Tomasz Szumlak Cross-talk in first channel of each data link from header bit on Beetle chip Correction algorithm in TELL1 Significant for ACDC3, Small effect in final system now correct timing & link compensation Prob. turn-off correction for 2009, but monitor Cross-talk In data ACDC 3 Data Before correction After correction Channel from same link Draft LHCb note circulated for comments
Error Monitoring TELL1 Error monitoring developed Chiara Farrinelli TELL1 Error monitoring developed Main purpose - identifies synchronisation errors Beetle pipeline column number decoded based on headers and compared with reference Beetle on TELL1 Plots added to standard monitoring Tuning procedure for header high/low states and hgh rate tests planned
Occupancy & Noisy Strips James Keaveney (+ Sara, Kurt, CP) Procedure to monitor & mask out any noisy strips or links 1. Occupancy Clustering algorithm strip inclusion thresholds are set based on noise in strips Occupancy monitoring developed Strips appearing in clusters above an occupancy threshold (currently 1%) in noise data can be masked out in TELL1 2. Noisy/ Dead Strip identification Strips with higher noise identified Dead strips identified using noise data with no voltage applied to detector – this makes them more obvious monitoring of both classes put in place
Gain Calibration Before Cross-checked with testpulses Grant McGregor Before Gains in velo system calibrated using Beetle headers Cross-checked with testpulses Now looking at dE/dx
Gain Calibration After Cross-checked with testpulses Grant McGregor After Gains in velo system calibrated using Beetle headers Cross-checked with testpulses Now looking at dE/dx
Parameter Database (with ST) Identified need for Storage of calibration parameters used in data taking e.g. pedestals, thresholds, timing parameters… Plan to automatically store at end of run in XML file Storage of parameters for uploading/monitoring Calculated parameters from analyses (pedestals…) that will be uploaded Parameters needed for system monitoring (e.g. dead, noisy strips)
TELL1 Clustering in Boole Tomasz Szumlak Implementation of final VELO clustering in Boole 99.9% works, timing OK BUT problem with 4-strip clusters (in TELL1?) causes crashes in associators Was aiming for release last month, dealyed due to TELL1 bit-perfectness issue Old clustering TELL1 Clustering
Pile-up Decoding added for digital data Serena Ogeero working on pile-up software Velo-ers happy to support when can Decoding added for digital data Material description of pile-up carbon fibre supports Work started on including pile-up analogue data in Vetra emulation Serena Mark & Tom Tomasz
Summary Other topics not covered here Critical path for data readiness Vetra v7r2 released (Tomasz) Monitoring Improvements (Eduardo, Kurt) Closing improvements (Malcolm, Sophie, Marco) Delta-rays (first work from James, David) Preparation of CCE analysis, PVSS panel for data taking (Stefano) Critical path for data readiness Bit-perfectness Complete error monitoring Databases Critical Item on Simulation TELL1 Clustering in Boole Getting ready for TED run next week Thanks to Kurt for giving this, apologies as have teaching - Chris