Interpersonal Communication 3 Objective: Student will express appreciation of a specific subject area for a specific reason using verbal and prepositional phrases. Vocabulary word: contemplate
Predictions for the word contemplate To entertain someone Something about a plate To do something To look at something for a long time
Contemplate is a verb. It means to learn, study, or ponder. The Thinker by Auguste Rodin
Grammatical forms we will use prepositional phrases verbal phrase
Reminders about Prepositional Phrases Don’t forget what I’ve TOLD you about prepositional phrases. T=Time (at; around; by) O=Ownership (to; on; of; from; with) L=Location (behind; into; through; above) D=Direction (off; on; to the left of)
Roll the Die to Determine Your Subject Area for Prompt 1=English Language Arts 2=Math 3=Science 4=Social Studies 5=Physical Education (P.E.) 6=Exploratory
Patterns for Prompts How has ______(subject area) made a positive difference in your life at Monroe Middle School?
Patterns for Responses I appreciate ____(subject area chosen). It helped me ______(verbal phrase) _______(prepositional phrase).
Sample Responses I appreciate math. It helped me learn how to calculate volume with a formula. I appreciate P.E. It helped me run the mile faster on the soccer field.